♦~Hit and Run~♦

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Here we go gamers- This is a request from @-ginseng- on wattpad!

One-shot idea:

You are the ultimate sailor! You are the next door neighbour of Fuyuhiko. One day, you're out in the town and unfortunately, get hit by a car. You become paralyzed from the waist down and Fuyuhiko tries to cheer you up!


Somewhat angst (as requested of me), some swears and also fluffy!

Your POV:

       What beautiful day outside! I sigh happily as I walk down near the water, my eyes drifting over all the beautiful yachts, sail boats and all kinds of ships line the docks; the crystal clear water glimmering in the sun. I'm heading to the market to grab something my lovely neighbour, Fuyuhiko asked of me. He said he needed some groceries but unfortunately had to work with his gang, so he politely asked if I could grab them for him; to which I happily obliged! The sun is out and with a clear sky, makes a sailor like me want to head out onto the water. I shake my head at my thoughts of heading out to the ocean, I'm here for Fuyuhiko!! So let's stay on task.

       I pull at my cute light blue top and white shorts, looking at every store for one that sells groceries. I light up upon seeing an open market place with booths lined up on the boardwalk, all selling fruits and vegetables alike. I quickly jog over, holding my anchor-shaped shoulder bag so it doesn't bump into me as I run. I walk through the crowd of shoppers, going to each stand that I see. I pull out Fuyu's list, So I just need to find flour, sugar, eggs and some other normal necessities! Ok, I think I can do that!

       I find a nice looking elderly lady selling some organic eggs, she kindly hands me a dozen as I pay her. I'm quick to find another booth that has the sugar and flour, so I quickly grab them and pay. I gather all the groceries that I need and start to head to town, hoping to stop and get lunch. I walk down the sidewalk, smiling to myself, proud that I found that little market place and got Fuyuhiko's items pretty fast; I hope he's happy with them! Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a cute cafe on a corner. I make my way to the crosswalk and wait patiently for my turn. After a second or two, I cross the street, also spying someone I recognize from Fuyuhiko's gang. I give Daisuke a quaint nod, the man smiles knowingly and nods back. I give him a small wave as I head inside and step in line, looking over the menu and find something I'd like to order. I reach the till and smile at the barista,

       "Hello! Could I have a (order) please!" I ask, holding onto my bag of groceries. The lady smiles, I hand her the fee and she hands me back my change. I thank her and find a table, setting down my bag and pulling out my phone. Hmmm Should I text Fuyuhiko that I got his stuff or should I wait since he's kinda busy... Well, he doesn't have to respond-


Hey Fuyuhiko! I got your groceries! I hope they are the proper things that you need!

seen at 12:47


Thanks y/n! That really helps since I'm so busy! When you're done you can just drop them off at the house, you have the extra key, and I'll see you soon. Thanks again!

seen 12:51

        I smile at his message, he never fails to make my heart ache. It doesn't help that he's always over the top nice with me either, he's usually so cold towards other people, guess I'm lucky! I look up and grin when I see the barista walking towards me with my order. I thank her and start to eat/drink away, sighing happily at how heavenly it tastes. I scroll through my phone, reading things, playing game and laughing at some memes I saw. I open my camera roll and find my favourite photo, it's a photo of Fuyuhiko and I on my prized possession; my sailboat. It's beautifully shined deck gleams in the sun, my ship usually captures my attention first, but not in this photo. Fuyuhiko has his arm wrapped around my shoulders, sunglasses on his head and a big smile on his face. He's also wearing something other than his usual tuxedo, he's wearing a blue collared-shirt and white shorts. I'm beside him, laughing and smiling since before he stole my phone and took the photo, he made me laugh.

♦The Death of a Bachelor♦ ~(Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu x reader one-shots)~Where stories live. Discover now