The past, present and future

Start from the beginning

"Kill them? That's wrong"

"My child, you don't know how it feels when you are rejected from your own homeland. You do everything for them, build the strong empire, think of them as your own, execute every single order of the king and they disregard you. So, I just killed. Don't give me that look. I am the goddess of death. I am not answerable to anyone when I kill. And also, those warriors needed a reality check"

"Then what happened?"

"I wanted Asgard to control more realms. I needed an army. So, I resurrected the ancient Asgardian army whom Odin killed and buried when her decided to be a benevolent king"

"He killed his own army to hide his deeds?"

"Yeah. See, what you see in a person is lot more different than what they actually are. While his people thought him as epitome of Justice, he was actually the biggest culprit. How did he establish peace? He killed everyone in other realms. No people mean no agitation, which means peace. And he used me to kill them. He told me that we are the rulers, we are the only strongest. He preached all these. Tell me, am I wrong in following my father's words?"

"It seems complicated. I mean, I understand what you are saying. But still killing isn't the solution"

"Tell that to your wisest grandfather. So, where was I? Oh yeah, I resurrected the soldiers and my Fenris, we were all ready to conquer the realms but someone stole the sword needed to operate Bifrost. Then Thor came with a ship to rescue everyone and fight with me. He couldn't win, so he resurrected Surtur, a dangerous enemy of Asgard. And Surtur destroyed whole Asgard. I was the only one fighting against Surtur"


"Yeah. And Surtur was about to hit me when I barely escaped. And you know the best part? Thor rescued everyone from Asgard just to be attacked by that mad Titan Thanos. The guy who killed half of the population"


"Yeah. If my brother had some sense, then he wouldn't destroy Asgard. He wouldn't keep Surtur's crown in the same vault as eternal flame. I mean, who will keep the weapon of destruction in the place where it has complete chance of getting resurrected? Dumb as ever. But he did and destroyed Asgard. Caused the Ragnarök. If he hadn't, then Thanos would fight against me to get the stones. And let me tell you, I am far stronger than him. I could easily stop him. But your so-called hero Thor didn't want that"

"But Thor is not bad. He tried to save"

"I never called him bad. I am calling him stupid. You know, he is blind, well now literally too. I took one eye. He never saw our father's real self. He thought whatever they had in Asgard was achieved by being generous and kind. He never understood those cannot be attained by kindness"

There was silence for few minutes.

"You have no regrets for what you did?"

"No. I don't. Honey, I was said that whatever I was doing was right. I was guided by the greatest and the wisest, allfather Odin to kill everyone. He made me what I am now. How am I wrong? I followed him. I was taught to do that"

"He didn't involve you when he wanted to change"

"Well, everything is past now. I came here just to see you and reconcile. I did. Now, I need to build my Asgard back"

"What? You will leave me?"

"No honey. I will be with you. To build an empire entirely, will take long time. Gaining control of all the realms all over again is of great deal"

"Mum, you mean you will kill more?"

"Honey whether I kill or not, I am the goddess of death. And I am the controller of all dead souls in Hel. That cannot be changed. And you know what is the beauty of death? Origin of new life. And let me clearly tell you, I am an angry, stubborn, selfish, wicked, proud goddess. You on the other hand is my stepped down version. So, what I did will be seen as wrong by you"

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