Chapter 4 Beacon Welcomes a Hero

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After Pyhrra slept with Jaune she woke up and noticed something

Pyhrra POV:

Me (in head): Where's Jaune? WAIT Did He Leave Me!?  I mean I would understand if he did but....(interrupted by jaune entering the dorm sweating hard)

Jaune: (notices Pyhrra is awake and smiles) Morning Pyhrra

Me (blushing): M-morning Jaune, wait where have you been its 5 AM?

Jaune: Oh I get up at 4 and start exercise

Phyrra: Oh well I start at 5

Jaune (blushes slightly): Well I can exercise with you if you want?

Phyrra: But didn't you just exercise?

Jaune: Yeah why?

Pyhrra: Aren't you tired?

Jaune: Nah let's go.

Jaune then heads out with Pyhrra and start exercising

Pyhrra POV:

Me: Ok so what should we start off with?

Jaune: Stretches

Me: Ok

After doing some stretches to pop their backs

Jaune: Now let's start a run

Phyrra: What distance?

Jaune: 20 miles to start off with

Phyrra: Wow that's a lot

Jaune: Come on I got you

No-one POV:

Jaune and Pyhrra then start the run and on the 14th mile Pyhrra starts to get really tired and Jaune notices this and slows down and talks to Pyhrra

Jaune: Let's do 15 miles instead

Phyrra (feeling bad): Um ok

Jaune (notices): What's wrong?

Phyrra (stops and looks down): It's just I don't want you to go easy on me

Jaune: It's ok as long as you get stronger

Phyrra (blushes again): Thank you Jaune

Jaune: It's no problem. Let's finish the run

Pyhrra: Ok

Jaune and Pyhrra then finish the run, and Jaune decides to take it easy for the rest of the exercise

Jaune: Ok next thing is 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, and then we will stretch again then we're done

Phyrra: Ok then

After the exercise Pyhrra and Jaune head back to take a shower

Pyhrra: Hey Jaune I'm going to take a shower

Jaune: Ok me too. You wanna hangout during breakfast?

Pyhrra (blushes): Uhh yeah

Jaune (smiles): Ok see ya (leaves)

Pyhrra POV:

Before I got in the in the bathroom I notice that someone (Nora) was not in her bed so when I got in the bathroom she was in there smiling

Me: Hey Nora

Nora (smirks): How's spending time with Jaune?

Me (blushes): Uhh it was nice

Nora: Pyhrra we both know that Jaune has realized you like him

Me (starts to panic): Y-yesh but he hasn't said anything about that since

Nora: Pyhrra he likes you too, I'm sure of it

This did not put confidence in me

Nora: Please, give it a try, I mean why would he bring it up?

This actually put some confidence in me

Me: Ok I'll try

Nora (smiles): YAY!!!

While I had some some confidence on asking Jaune to hangout I was still worried out of my mind

Jaune POV:

Me (in head): I'm going to tell her eventually, I just hope she still feels the same way

I see Ren come in and notice he starts to wake up and sees me

Ren: *yawn* Morning Jaune

Me: Morning Ren

Ren: Hey Jaune when are going to ask out Pyhrra?

I was shocked by this question to say the least, but I decided to be honest in answering it

Me: I don't know to be honest

Ren: You know she still is head over heels for you right?

Jaune: Yeah, but will she still like me?

Ren: Yes, yes she will

Knowing Ren this really helped out and gave me some confidence

Me: Ok Ren I'll ask her

Ren (smiles): Good now take a shower you smell like sweat

Me: Heh true see ya Ren

Ruby POV:

Its 8 AM and everyone except Weiss are awake so I grab my whistle and...


Me: Classes start in an hour stop sleeping in. Also swear jar.

She begrudgingly put a dollar in the swear jar then gets ready for classes until Yang starts to start a conversation

Yang: What do you think Jaune will have to do to get back into Beacon?

Me: Uhh maybe spar against someone in Goodwitch's class

Weiss (growls): The loser will fail

Me: Weiss you do remember what Jaune has been through right?

Weiss: And you believe him? How do we know he wasn't lying like how he originally got into beacon?

Me: Because I saw him fight against Roman last night and he looked like a Professor huntsman

Weiss (growls): He got lucky I'm sure of it

Blake then joins in

Blake: I guess we'll see

Timeskip to Goodwitch's class and Professor Ozpin about to start an announcement

Ozpin: Hello everyone I'm here to announce 3 important items. Number 1 Jaune Arc is alive, 2 He has changed his name to Jaune Steve Rogers, and 3 that he will be rejoining Beacon if he wins a spar against at least 2 fighters.

Pause And Jaune goes to the stage

Ozpin: Ok Mr. Rogers, who will you choose to be the test to rejoin Beacon?

Jaune: Weiss Schnee and Cardin Winchester

Cardin: Ha I'm going to kick your ass again Jauney Boy

Weiss (scoff): This time I'm going to really make sure you don't come back

Jaune: Challenge accepted

Timeskip to Jaune, Weiss, and Cardin in the arena waiting to fight

Goodwitch: Start in 3... 2... 1... GO!


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