Chapter 3 Revelations

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Jaune is now in front of his old friends. To them it has been a few months to Jaune it's been almost a century. Begin

Jaune: Well...(interrupted)

Phyrra then slaps him

Phyrra: *sob* WE THOUGHT *sob* YOU *sob* DIED!!!!

Ren and Nora are still shocked to see their friend, their leader, the closest thing to family who was thought dead, who they mourned for now right in front of them

Ren: HOW!? WHY!? WHAT!?

Jaune: Ok Ok Calm Down Everyone Let Me Expla...(Interrupted)

Phyrra then hugs him tightly and starts to smile

Phyrra: I'm so Happy *sob* your Back *sob*

Jaune is then blushing and startled but keeps his composure

Jaune: Heh I guess things never change huh (smirks)

Phyrra (blushing): Umm w-well I've just m-missed you t-that's all

Jaune: Calm down Phyrra over my time away I actually got some sense and realize something very obvious

Phyrra (blushing even more): W-well I-I'm glad your back

Jaune and Pyhra then release from the hug Phyrra still blushing madly and Jaune then sais

Jaune: Ok do you all want to know what I've been up to?

Everyone: What?

Jaune: Well it seems to me that here I've only been gone for maybe 2 months, but from were I've been it's been almost a century

A moment of silence before

Everyone: WHAT!?

Ozpin then enters the scene

Ozpin: Well well well Mr. Arc, it's a pleasure to see you again

Jaune: The pleasures all mine *shakes hand*

Ozpin (shocked): Well you've certainly become much stronger

Jaune: Well it's a long story if we have the time

Ozpin: Do tell

Phyrra (blushing still): W-well we can see you've gotten more buff (in head) OMG did I say that I mean he looks strong and hotter (blushes even more)

Yang: Yeah Vomit Boy you got taller and look really tasty

Phyrra then glares at Yang

Jaune: Ok well where to start

Jaune then explains everything to happen to him from fighting the 2 Ursa, then transported to Earth, to Doctor Erskine, to WW2 and Redskull, then to the Battle of New York, to Winter Soldier, to Ultron, Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame to everyone  waiting to hear their response

Jaune: Well any questions?

Ozpin: So you went through All Of That?

Jaune: Everything

Everyone: Wow

Jaune: Anything else?

Phyrra: I can't believe that Thanos would do that

Jaune: *sigh* Yeah it wasn't easy but we pulled through

Yang: Damn, that's badass vomit boy

Jaune: You better believe it (yawn) but it's late and I need to find a place to stay

Ozpin: That is true since you are still expelled from Beacon, but I will soon be overturning that so I will allow you to stay at beacon with your former team

Phyrra Nora Ren: Really!?

Ozpin: I don't see why not

Jaune: Thank you Professor, truly

Ozpin: The pleasure is all mine Mr. Arc

Jaune: Oh well I forgot to mention that I will change my name the Jaune Steve Roger by the way

Ozpin: Ok then Mr. Rogers

Timeskip to JNPR dorm 12:30 a.m.

Phyrra (whisper): J-jaune can I sleep w-with you tonight? (Blushes)

Jaune (slightly blushes): Sure Phyrra

Phyrra POV:

Me (in head): OMG  I'm sleeping in the same bed as Jaune and he's alive, stronger, and he knows I-I love him wait he hasn't said if he likes me back yet

Jaune: Goodnight Phyrra (cuddles up with her)

Me (in head): You know what I'm going to just enjoy this

No one's POV:

The 2 lovers then fall asleep together

There we go got that one expect another one soon

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