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I was at my locker, grabbing my U.S. History book from my locker, when I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Smackle. We're academic nemeses; we're always competeing against each other, since we're both at the top of the class. She has a crush on me, but I don't feel the same way, because I only see her as a frenemy. Hey, it's the truth.

"Hi Smackle," I said, shutting my locker closed and walking to Mr. Matthews's classroom.

"So.. Farkle... I was wondering, uhm, if you would want to go out sometime," Smackle said, stepping in front of me, looking straight into my eyes.

"Look, Smackle, I would like to, but..." I was interrupted by her.

"But, what?"

"I already have a girlfriend!" I quickly said and once I said that, I dropped my History book and covered my hands with my mouth.

Why? Why did I say that? I didn't mean to, it just slipped out of my mouth. I couldn't say no to her and I couldn't come up with an acceptable excuse, so it was the first thing that popped into my head and now I can't take it back.

'Brillant, Farkle! Way to go,' I thought to myself.

"I don't believe it," Smackle said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, believe it, because she's 100% real and I am not making her up," I said, picking up my book off the ground.

"How come I never met her?"

"It's a secret relationship. We like to keep things on the down low, cause she's not ready to go official..." I said, regretting everything I just said, cause now she probably doesn't believe me.

"I want to meet her," Smackle, folding her arms still in front of me.

"What? Wh-why?" I said, stuttering on the last part.

"Because, I want to meet her, or she doesn't exist. You have one week to introduce me to her, Farkle," she said, walking off.

I ran to Mr. Matthews's room, since I was about to be late, when I noticed Maya at her locker. Before, I went in the classroom, I walked up to her.

"Maya," I said.

She turns around, "Oh, hey Farkle."

"Can you do me a huge favor, please?" I asked, holding my hands together.

"Sure, Farkle, what is it?' Maya asked, closing her locker.

"Can you be my fake girlfriend for a week, in order to show Smackle that I was telling her the truth?" I asked, still begging, even though it was kind of true; if Maya is my fake girlfriend, that means I wasn't technically lying to Smackle and she'll believe me, right?

"What? No, you're crazy if you think I would ever be your fake girlfriend, Farkle."

 "Please, please, just pretend that you're my girlfriend for just one week," I said, begging and pouting my lips.

"No!" she scoffed.

"Please," I begged and begged, until Maya finally caved in.

"Okay, fine! I'll pretend to be your girlfriend, but only for one week."

"Yeah, just one week, because that's how long it should last," I said.

And that is how Maya Hart became my pretend girlfriend for one week.

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