Chappie two: rules

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There will be deaths

I will, of course, ask for permission or ask whomever will be the culprit(s) to ask permission of the owners of certain characters before their character is killed. If your character decides to commit suiside, don't make it something to just create drama unless you are sacrificing your character to their cause.

Communication is important

Before any major drama occurs, come to me and go to the people that will be involved if it's okay. If someone is doing something that is ruining your experience, politely tell them to turn it down a bit. If there is an issue, don't go overboard and start insulting each other. Deal with it calmly and try to work out a solution that works for both parties or just come to me through pms


I understand that we all have lives. I won't be on too much either, so the minimum is twice a week. If you cannot meet the minimum, tell me in advance before I kick you out when there was no reason to. Even if you do not meet the twice a week mark, I'll give about a month until I hunk of kicking anyone.


I'll usually end each chapter with a comment of my own to tie up the events that have been going on and transition to the next. If not, it'll just be a notice that there will be a new chapter up.


If you're character is a bully, bully the other character (s) and not the people. If others ask you to turn it down a bit, turn it down a bit.


You're character can curse, as long as it's all censored. Things like idiöt and stüpid are included too, I don't want any comments to be flagged even if those words aren't curses.


First come first serve


Nothing that takes away too much from the main purpose of the chapter, but it can be about the personal lives of students.


Many characters will be teens, so yes there can be romance. However, absolutely no smut. Don't even take off a sock in the comments, take it and the super intense touchy flirting to pms.  And people don't usually fall for someone just by seeing them, so not much of that plz


Up to 3. Make sure each is different from the other. They can have similarities, sure, but please don't make the characters sound like they're the same person. In the roles page, comment something that tells me you want it so I can make sure there is no confusion in the forms.

Bloodshed UndercoverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon