She entered the camp through the dirtplace tunnel, not wanting to talk to anyone. She just wanted to sleep.

Slowly, Midnightsky padded into the medicine den to her nest. She sank into it, sighing.

I hope I can repair that friendship between Silkfrost and I... it was my fault that the argument started.

But she still wanted to know if Silkfrost was okay...

Closing her eyes, she finally fell asleep.


When she woke up, Emberpaw was staring at her.

"You were mumbling something," the ginger apprentice meowed. "Something about rogues."

Midnightsky had no memory of that.

"Oh, you know the rogues," she told Emberpaw. "They're always on everyone's mind."

But she had a feeling that she was mumbling about Silkfrost.

I want to talk to her, Midnightsky thought. But I don't think she'll listen or want to talk to me at all.

Sighing she got up to enter the clearing. I suppose I'll have to wait.

Her stomach growled, so she took a thrush from the fresh-kill pile. She slowly chewed it, thinking of all that had happened last night.

"Something on your mind?" Leafdawn ran to sit next to her.

Midnightsky didn't know what to say.

"Yeah," she replied.

"Is it about the rogues?"

"Kind of." It involved a rogue.

"Do you think you know who the spy is?"

"I wish!" Midnightsky exclaimed. "I honestly have no idea who it could possibly be..."

"Me neither." Leafdawn sighed. "I'd help but I don't really know how."

"Wavepelt and I went to look a few moons ago," Midnightsky mewed. "The only thing we really know is that Greeneyes knows who it is— but he doesn't know that they're the spy."

"What do you mean?" Leafdawn sounded confused.

"We met him while he was night hunting, and he said he had seen someone going to the WindClan border— he didn't know why. The cat had just told him not to tell anyone who they were."

"Hm..." Leafdawn mused. "I can't really think of anyone."

"What if it's..." Midnightsky first thought of Waterfall, but then remembered that Waterfall hadn't been the one who had captured Wheatwing all those moons ago. The spy was the one who had done that.

She looked around the camp. Wavepelt was chatting with Tussledstorm, Goldenheart's kits were getting under everyone's paws, Greeneyes and Vinethistle were mending the nursery, and Mousetail and Blossomleaf were sharing prey.

Who could have possibly betrayed us?

Then she saw Silkfrost coming, and she felt uneasy all of a sudden.

"Hi, Silkfrost!" Leafdawn greeted.

Silkfrost said nothing, just glared at Midnightsky and stalked off.

"What's with her?" Leafdawn glanced at Midnightsky, who sighed.

"You don't want to know," she told the tabby.

"Okay." Seeming to understand, Leafdawn shrugged. Then her face brightened. "Hawkclaw said he wanted to go hunting with me again."

"He seems to like you," Midnightsky meowed.

Warriors: A New Beginning #2: Midnight RisingWhere stories live. Discover now