~Chäptër Eight Thë Läst Drägön~

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The more we stay in the beautiful city of Vaes Dothrak the more I fall in love with it. It'll be sad when we leave to take back our home in the Seven Kingdoms. I'll miss this simple but full of life city. Nothing will ever compare to it in my entire lifetime.
Slowly the sun goes down making the evening warm in a pleasant way. While Daenerys and I stand, in the center of her and the Khal's longhouse tent, making things for our older brother. While Irri sets the table for dinner. We sent Doreah out not to long ago to fetch Viserys so he can join us. I pray he doesn't do anything to rash towards Doreah.
Hearing the sound of someone crying getting closer, I set down the leather vest I was working on, for Viserys to wear, in a wooden bowl on the drawer at the side of the tent. I mean if these are his people he might want to start dressing like them and embrace their culture as well.
Finally, knowing our brother was the one who caused the crying, arrives at the longhouse tent. He walks through the tent flap urgently, dragging poor Doreah behind him by her hair. Once he is inside he throws Doreah to the ground roughly making her kneel in front of Daenerys and I.
"You send this whore to give me commands" he growls at us pointing towards Doreah, who is still kneeling and sobbing uncomfortably. "I should have sent you back her head!"
Getting some courage to look at Daenerys and I, Doreah raises her head up showing us her burning red face and tear stained cheeks with a slight bruise on her upper right cheek. Of course he had to hit her as well. If this is how he is going to treat his subjects then he will be a terrible king. A cruel king like our ancestor Maegor the Cruel. And nobody wants another king like that ever again.
"Forgive me, Khaleesi. Princess. I did as you asked" she whimpers out before going back to her uncomfortable sobbing.
I quickly rush over to her and help her up off of the ground gently. I don't want her forgiveness at the moment because it isn't her fault it's only Viserys'. I soothingly shush her, like a young child, trying to calm her down a bit.
"It's all right" I continue to shush looking to Daenerys and giving her a look which she gets right away.
"Irri, take her and leave us" Dany commands Irri, who stops setting the table and comes and takes Doreah out of my arms and leaves the longhouse tent through a side flap in the tent.
After they both leave it is just us three Targaryens left inside the tent. I make my way to stand next to my younger sister's side so I'm not near Viserys at the moment. Once next to Dany I decide to ask the question that needs to be answered.
"Why did you hit her?!" I question him not being able to contain my irritation with him anymore.
"How many times do I have to tell the both of you? You do not command me" he states walking up to us, trying to intimidate us.
"We weren't commanding you" Dany tells him trying to fix the situation we are in.
"We just wanted to invite you to supper" I add on wanting this squabbling to end.
Seeing us pointing towards the side drawer he goes up to it and grabs the leather vest I was making him earlier and looks at it disgustingly.
"What's this?" He asks with an air of distaste for the piece of clothing I made.
"It a gift I made for you" I inform him with a small smile on my lips hoping he will appreciate it.
Dothraki rags?" He sneers and this causes me to loose my smile all together. "Is my future wife going to dress me now?" He scoffs holding the leather vest towards me.
"Please" I beg wanting him to stop all this complaining and bickering, all I want is his him to appreciate something that Daenerys and I have done for him, but that'll never happen.
"This stinks of manure" he shrieks throwing the leather vest at me, whacking me in the face with a mild sting. "All of it" he further shrieks, starting to throw the jewelry Daenerys made for him at the both of us.
Holding my hands in front of my face so none of the jewelry hits me there. I hear Dany beg him to stop with this childish act. But he continues throwing the jewelry at us until he runs out it. Moving my hand away from my face I watch as Viserys gets even more closer to us than before to be even more intimidating.
"You would turn me into one of them, wouldn't you?" He accuses, pointing one of his fingers at the both of us.
Of course we don't want to turn him into one of them but he should embrace their culture. He should dress like them, learn to fight like them, embrace and worship their gods like them. And maybe, just maybe, he might achieve the Iron Throne quicker. But to him anyone who isn't a Targaryen is below us and we shouldn't act like them. But I believe differently. Nobody is below us we are all equals and we need to treat them as so.
"Next you'll want to braid my hair" he continues to accuse us of something he hasn't even earned yet.
"You've no right to a braid. You've won no victories yet" Dany tells him the truth but at the same time talks back to him and he doesn't take to kindly to that at all.
"You do not talk back to me!" He growls at Daenerys.
Seeing he is about to hit my sister, which I cannot allow, I get in between them and push him away from her. And before I could stop my actions I swing my hand fiercely across his face leaving a cut, from my scaled ring, right across his left cheek. Looking down in shock at my trembling hand I look to see Viserys with the same look. Shock. I can't believe I hit him. I look to his face to see a droplet of blood from the cut slither down his cheek. Viserys, still having the shocked look on his face, touches the bleeding cut. Seeing blood on his finger his shocked look turns to one of complete and utter anger.
"You bitch!" He yells towards me before back handing me across my left cheek.
Falling down to the right side of the ground I try to look around but all I see is nothing but blurriness. Nothing but blurs. And all I feel is the unbearable stinging pain going through the left side of my face. But I can hear everything going on. I hear Dany shout by name before Viserys interrupts her.
"And you!" Viserys snarls before I hear another slapping sound and a thud like a body dropping to the ground, most likely Daenerys' body. "You are a horselord's slut. And now you've woken the dragon..." I continue to hear.
Shaking my head a few times to clear my vision, it finally fades away until the blurriness is completely gone. Turning my head towards the commotion I see Viserys on top of Daenerys wrestling with each other. Daenerys trying to protect herself and the child within her and Viserys trying to punish her.
Seeing him winning by grabbing both of Dany's hand in one of his and holds them down. Seeing he is about to punch her I use all my strength and get up as fast as I can and grip my hand into his silver Targaryen hair and cruelly yank on it. Pulling him back away from her, he yells in pain, before Daenerys grabs a golden medallion that he threw at us before and harshly swings it at his face leaving a cut on his right cheek. Yanking him more on his hair I throw him to the ground so he is off of Daenerys.
"Are you alright?" I ask Daenerys rushing up to her and helping her up from the ground.
She gives me a quick nod before we both turn towards Viserys. Who is the one kneeling before us now with a look of disbelief. We woken the dragon and we hit the dragon. We have shown him that we are stronger and we are done with how he treats us.
"I am a Khaleesi of the Dothraki! I am the wife of the great Khal and I carry his son inside me" she informs Viserys with an air of a strong Khaleesi, but at the same time she is revealing that she is with child to Viserys for the first time. "The next time you raise a hand to Rhaenyra or I will be the last time you have hands" she threatens him as he gets up.
Once he is completely up he trembles like a leaf being blown in the wind.
"Now get out" I order him to which he shakily nods and rushes out leaving us alone with each other. "Are you truly alright?"
"I'm okay" Dany replies trying to catch her breath.
"And him?" I ask resting my hand on her barely protruding stomach.
"He's alright to" she says resting her hand on top of mine.
Giving me a brief smile we sit down and try to calm our nerves down. Who would of thought this day would go like this. But now Viserys is gone and hopefully he won't be bugging us for quite some time.

A couple of hours go by and now the sun is gone and the moon has taken its place. Once Irri returned earlier we sent her to find Ser Jorah and bring him to us. Quickly he hurried to the Khal's longhouse tent and joined us.
"What happened?" He asks us pointing to our bruised cheeks.
We explained to him what happened. We tell him everything, even the part of us hitting Viserys and leaving our marks on him as well.
"We hit him. We hit the dragon" Dany repeats to him, not truly believing that we did that.
"You're brother Rhaegar was the last dragon" he informs Daenerys and I. "Viserys is less than the shadow of a snake" Ser Jorah continues, making me want to chuckle at him referring to Viserys as a snake.
How true it was. He is nothing but a tiny little snake. Always afraid when someone stands up to him. And if he were a true dragon then he wouldn't be scared. He would know how to be strong and act like a true Targaryen. And maybe people might want him to rule. But he will never know how to act like a dragon only a snake.
"He is still the true king" she informs him, hearing this makes me roll my eyes.
"The truth now" he nods walking closer to the both of us. "Do you want to see your brother sitting on the Iron Throne?" He seriously asks her.
"No" she mumbles. "But the common people are waiting for him. Illyrio said they are sewing dragon banners and praying for his return" she says trying to persuade us but I could see she was trying to persuade herself more than anything.
"Dany the common people don't care. And they probably don't even know we are still alive" I state, telling her the truth.
"She's right" Ser Jorah agrees with me, nodding his head. "The common people pray for rain, health and a summer that never ends. They don't care what games the high lords play" he tells her.
Seeing her slightly frown from us telling the truth. I change the subject a bit.
"What do you pray for, Ser Jorah?" I question curiously, truly wanting to know.
"Home" he simple states
I look towards Daenerys seeing her nod at that statement. We both agree on that. Home is the only place we might find some peace.
"We pray for home too." I smile releasing a breath of air. "Our brother will never take back the Seven Kingdoms. He couldn't lead an army even if Dany's husband gave him one. He'll never take us home" I scoff, knowing we might not go anywhere except wherever this horde goes.
"I believe someone else will take you home" he suddenly says confusing me.
"Who?" Dany asks the same question I want to know.
"You, Rhaenyra. You'll be the one to take your sister and you home in the end" he answers giving me the biggest shock, other than standing up to Viserys, of my entire life. "And maybe you might give the Seven Kingdoms a rightful and just ruler" he continues shocking me even more.
No one has directly told me I would be a better ruler than Viserys. And no one has ever told me that I should rule the Seven Kingdoms without Viserys by my side. I give Ser Jorah a small smile because of that but it is only a fairy tail. I will never be a queen that rules without her brother as king.
"Ser Jorah if you don't mind I would feel much safer if you would stand guard outside my tent tonight. Just as a precaution against Viserys" I tell him praying he can because I can't trust what Viserys might try and do to me.
"Of course, Princess" Ser Jorah agrees to be my guardian for the night.
Hearing that made my smile grow a little bit. At least I will be protected tonight and I know Ser Jorah will let nothing happen to me. And I know Daenerys will be alright because the Khal will protect her against anything.
After talking for a bit more Ser Jorah and I walk back to my longhouse tent to rest for the night. And with an air of calmness I could sleep peacefully without worry for once.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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