~Chäptër Twö Döthräki Wëdding~

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Today is the day. Today is when Daenerys Stormborn, of the House Targaryen marries the Dothraki savage, Khal Drogo. It has been a few days since the encounter and knowing what Illyrio said we had to be patient. But our brother, knowing him, couldn't stand waiting. But we had to. The Dothraki set when the wedding will be not us. When we learned when the wedding was going to be it was right before we all were heading to our chambers for the night. A messenger, one of Khal Drogo's bloodriders, came to Illyrio's palace informing him that the wedding would be the next day when the sun is at its highest point. After the messenger had left, Illyrio told us what he had said; but I wish he had not told us. For that night all I could think of were horrendous scenarios that would happen to Daenerys when she marries the Khal. Tossing and turning throughout the night that's how it was for me. Barely getting any rest and thinking about dreadful things.

When morning came we all had to wake up early, especially Daenerys. After dressing for the wedding I head towards Daenerys' chambers to help her prepare. As soon as I walk in I see Daenerys staring at her reflection through the bath water in the built in tub knowing she is frightened and I can't do anything about it.
"Dany, you need to wash up" I speak to her tenderly which still causes her to jump, not knowing I was standing there in the doorway.
"Yes, of course, sister" she mutters back while slowly taking her night dress off.
As she gets into the built in tub I go over to were her wedding dress was, making sure everything was in order for her when she was ready to get dressed.
"Why do I have to marry him?" Dany asks me, which causes me to turn around and sit on the edge of the tub.
"Because we need his army and because Viserys orders it" I reply to her question, giving a roll of my eyes when I say the Viserys part.
Dany smiles and let's out a small chuckle at my childish antics before sinking down into the warm water. I delicately grab her hair and start pouring water through it. Stroking my fingers through her silver blonde hair I get the tangles and knots out as carefully as I can so I don't yank on her hair.
"Who knows, you might eventually fall in love with him" I tell her trying to think optimistically.
"But I don't want to love him" Dany vocalizes back rather quickly.
"How do you know? Hmm? Love comes upon a person at the most randomness of times. And there is nothing you can do about it" I inform Dany with a small smile on my face.
"But you won't get that" Daenerys suddenly says, which makes me drop my smile all together. "I know how you feel for Viserys. I know you only see him as a brother" she continues glancing right at me.
"Your right, sadly. I wish we both could marry someone we truly love" I sorrowfully say giving a sombre smile before swallowing the lump in my throat. "Now let's stop all this sad talk and get you ready for your wedding" I say with a quick smile.
Daenerys, knowing about my uncomfortableness about the topic of marry my brother, didn't say anything else but nodded. She got out of the built in tub and wraps her robe around her before sitting down in a chair. I stand behind her sitting form, gingerly brushing her hair to make sure there are no more tangles or knots in her hair.
"How would you like me to do your hair, hāedar?" I question with a compassionate smile.
"Just simple" she answers.
I nod my head beginning to braid her hair in a simple plain way. After finishing up I pat her shoulders signalling for her to get up.
"It's time for the dress" I say with a encouraging smile.
Dany nods before dropping her robe to the floor. I carefully help her into the wedding dress, tying the strings that wrap around her neck and waist. While Daenerys pins the front of her dress with a Targaryen dragon pin.
"There, now you are ready" I say to Dany with an heartening smile. "Just breathe" I instruct her seeing the trepidation returning to her face.
Dany nods before taking a deep breath. And I do the same knowing that today was going to be a long tense day.

After the Dothraki wedding ceremony, came the feasting ceremony. It was fascinating to say the least. On the edge of the coast we were at. On these great steps. Khal Drogo and Daenerys on the top step and Viserys, Illyrio, and I, in the middle of these men, on the step below them. I was intrigued in how people walk up these great steps to give gifts to the Khal and new Khaleesi. I frown when a man brings up a chest full of snakes and lifts them up to show the wedded couple. Daenerys always hated snakes.
"When do I meet with the Khal? We need to begin planning the invasion" Viserys suddenly asks Illyrio, becoming his impatient self again.
"If Khal Drogo has promised you a crown, you shall have it" Illyrio informs him of the agreement that they still have.
"When?" Viserys pushes on.
"When their omens favor war" Illyrio informs him again of the Dothraki way of war.
"I piss on Dothraki omens" Viserys arrogantly voices not caring if anyone heard him.
"Viserys" I say in a scolding tone, but all he does is roll his eyes at me and looks forward to the Dothraki woman jumping and gyrating, in their own ways of dance, around with very little clothing on.
"I've waited 17 years to get my throne back" he says to both Illyrio and I before going quiet.
Silence came upon all three of us because two Dothraki bloodriders begin aggressively brawling. Taking out there blade's they hack and slash at each other until one became triumphant over the other. Cutting the losers stomach open so that his intestines were hanging out of his stomach. Seeing that made me gag, I always loathed violence. Finally the winner went behind the loser and cut his braid off to show his shame. Both Viserys and I turn our focus to Illyrio for an answer as to why people were being murdered at this wedding.
"A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair" Illyrio informs both of us with more of the Dothraki culture.
At this point another man arrives at the bottom of the steps with a couple of books in his hands. Dressed differently than the other gift givers. More like a Westerosi. Khal Drogo greets him in Dothraki like he was an old friend. And the man greets the Khal back in the same way with a slight bow. After the greetings he walks up the steps towards Daenerys and Khal Drogo.
"A small gift, for the new Khaleesi. Songs and histories from the Seven Kingdoms" he tells her what the gift is while passing over the books to her.
"Thank you, Ser. Are you from my country" she asks the knight curiously, who nods at her.
"Ser Jorah Mormont of Bear Island. I served your father for many years" he announces to her of who he is before turning to look at Viserys. "Gods be good, I hope to always serve the rightful king or queen" he says gazing at me at the end giving me a small smile to which I give him a small smile in return.
He then turns around and walks off back into the crowd of Dothraki. I look to Illyrio giving him the signal to bring my gift forward for Daenerys, knowing she is going to love it. Illyrio and I both stand up as Illyrio's slave servants carry up a small dark chest to Daenerys' side and open it to reveal to her one dragon egg that colors dissolve from black to a dull red. Dany awestruck at the sight picks it up.
"A dragon egg, Daenerys, from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai. The ages have turned it to stone, but it will always be beautiful" he tells her as to how he came by dragon eggs.
"Illyrio gave me four but because it is your wedding and you are my little sister I thought you might want one" I say giving her a grin to which she returns with an enormous grin.
"Thank you so much, sister. Magister" she says happily which in turn makes me happy knowing she is too.
As both Illyrio and I sit down the Khal stands up which is the signal to end all the music and dancing. He looks down at Daenerys who sets the dragon egg down delicately into the chest before standing up with her newly wedded husband. After Dany rises up the Khal walks down the steps and disappears into the crowd of Dothraki people. Slowly Dany follows her husband while Viserys, Illyrio, and I stand up to follow her down the steps. As the crowd splits, making a path, for Daenerys we could see at the end that Khal Drogo had a beautiful white mare next to him. Daenerys' final gift. Once Dany reaches the Khal he hands the reigns over to her. Dany astonished by the beautiful creature starts petting it's snout in a gentle manner.
"She's beautiful" she tells the Khal who just looks at her, so she turns to Ser Jorah for help with communicating with her new husband. "Ser Jorah, I... I don't know how to say 'thank you' in Dothraki"
"There is no word for 'thank you' in Dothraki" he informs her with a shake of his head.
When he finishes telling her that Khal Drogo walks up to Dany who backs up until he grips her under her arms and hoists her up on to the white mare. After putting his bride on her horse he got on to his soft brown steed. But before they could leave Viserys grips Daenerys' leg and whispers something to her that I can't quite hear. But knowing Viserys it was probably something around the lines of don't screw this up or you'll have waken the dragon. When he does let her leg go Dany looks towards me with a terror-stricken look upon her face.
"Breathe" I remind her to which she gives a tiny nod.
It was time for them to leave and do the bedding ceremony in the Dothraki way. As Khal Drogo and Daenerys ride off all I feel his my stomach twisting tighter and tighter into knots. After today Daenerys won't be the same and I know that. And I feel sorry for her, it's a terrible thing to go through especially at her age. Feeling a presence beside me I look up to see Ser Jorah standing next to me.
"She'll be okay princess" he says trying to lighten my mood.
"How do you know?" I question him to see if he actually believes Dany will be okay or just telling me what I want to hear.
"I know because both you and your sister are strong women and you can face anything" he says to me answering my question with a sincere answer.
"Yes she is, Ser Jorah. Yes she is" I say to him with a small gentle smile.
I turn my head back to the horizon and continue to watch the newly wedded couple ride off towards the sunset. Knowing after today everything changes. Nothing will be the same.

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