~Chäptër Sëvën Väes Döthräk~

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Rhaenyra's Horse

At long last we've finally arrived at Vaes Dothrak, the home of the Great Horselords. It was quite a trek to get here but we've made it in about over a months time maybe even longer than that. Surrounded by a few scarce trees and rolling hills it has its own unique beauty that makes it feel right for the Dothraki to live here.
We are near the front of the horde, with Khal Drogo and his bloodriders in front of us, riding on a dirt pathway that leads up to the grand archway of Vaes Dothrak. Two massive stone stallion horse statues rearing at each other with vines curling around them that's what made up the archway,  adding more to the beauty of Vaes Dothrak.
As soon as Khal Drogo and his bloodriders pass underneath the archway they immediately kick their horses into a gallop, hooting and hollering like young children having fun. It makes me chuckle to see all those men, whom are great warriors, have a bit of amusing fun. Slowing our horses to a stop right before the grand archway we continue to watch on and from this spot we get a wonderful view of Vaes Dothrak. Many tents, long houses, and large celebration tents, and the enormous market is what makes up the city of Vaes Dothrak.
"Vaes Dothrak - the city of the horselords" Ser Jorah informs us of our temporary home.
"It's beautiful" I breathe, not having any other words to describe this place.
"A pile of mud" Viserys scoffs from right next to me. "Mud and shit and twigs. Best these savages can do" he continues on ruining my thoughts.
Of course he would think that, he always sees these people as savages. Yes sometimes they can be savages but most of the time these are a simple and peaceful people. But anyone below Viserys he doesn't see them as anything else but scum on the bottom of his boots. To me though they are as much as my people as they are Daenerys'.
"These are my people now" Dany tells him, while giving him a look. "You shouldn't call them savages"
"I'll call them what I like, because they're my people" he warns, signalling not to cross that line with him. "This is my army. Khal Drogo is marching the wrong way with my army" he complains before kicking his horse into a gallop following the path that Khal Drogo and his bloodriders took not to long ago.
After Viserys got quite a ways ahead of us we slowly follow with the rest of the horde following us down the pathway into the great city of Vaes Dothrak. Nothing could ever ruin my day more than Viserys' complaining. Always complaining about how the horde is going in the wrong direction and if we take this long to get to Vaes Dothrak we'll never claim his birthright. At thinking about these thoughts a question arises in my head.
"If my brother was given an army of Dothraki, could he conquer the Seven Kingdoms?" I ask Ser Jorah, whose the only man around from Westeros that is a seasoned warrior.
"The Dothraki have never crossed the Narrow Sea. They fear any water their horses can't drink" he replies not giving me a definite answer.
"But if they did?" Dany further questions also wanting to know the same thing as I.
"King Robert is fool enough to meet them in open battle, but the men advising him are different" he replies again informing us in the ways of King Robert Baratheon the Usurper, and the ways of his smart thinking councillors.
"And you know these men?"  Dany asks wanting to know more about his life before exile.
"I fought beside them once, long ago" he says, taking a pause. "Now Ned Stark wants my head. He drove me from my lands" he informs with a hint of despise.
As we continue riding onwards I remember the conversation that Ser Jorah and Viserys had the day after Daenerys' wedding to Khal Drogo. He caught poachers on his lands and sold them into slavery. Most likely breaking his liege  Lord laws. And ran into exile because he didn't want to face the penalty of losing his head. And here he has been for several years now.
"You sold slaves" I speak up interrupting the quietness.
"Aye" he agrees not even trying to deny it.
"Why?" I question wanting to know the true reason as to why he enslaved men.
"I had no money and an expensive wife" he tells me revealing the truth.
He was married once, I never knew that. I wonder who she was, most likely a high born lady if, as he says, she was expensive. It's not good to marry someone who values gold over love. That will always end with something bad happening. Wondering where she is now or if she is even still alive I turn my head towards Ser Jorah.
"And where is she now?" I ask once more.
"In another place, with another man" he replies with a finished tone meaning the end of our conversation.
At last our trek comes to an end when we reach the city. Climbing down off of our horses for there is no room for them in the city. On foot is the only way in this city because of all the people. Cluttered together making it a little difficult to travel on foot as well. But we continue onwards anyway through the lively streets, listening to all the people shouting trying to get the attention of others who might want to buy their items.
This is how it is for quite a while until we reach our own personal tents. Wood and straw longhouses is what we'll be staying in. Simple but at the same time it is enough for us. I couldn't be more happier than at this moment. Arriving at a new place, experiencing their lively culture first hand, how very enjoyable.
Once I said goodbye to my sister I head into my longhouse tent. At bit empty at first but that'll be fixed up once my things arrive. All that occupies it at the moment are a few drawers on the sides, a rectangular shaped table in the middle, and at the far back rest my fur bed.
I can very easily get use to this life. As long as my sister is with me and happy as well, then I wouldn't want to be in any other place but right here.

Wrath of the DragonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora