Back to Normal...ish

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It had been a month since the accident and I still hadn't told the boys what had happened but with the bruises finally fading something tells me they will forget that anything even happened. I was in work and we were on our break, I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket as Iain and Ruby spoke, "Sorry" I said taking it out of my pocket to see Alex's contact name. Confused I answered the phone whilst taking a few steps  away from the others, "Alex?" I asked concerned as to why he was calling me when he knew I had work, "We're being evicted" He said and I could hear the panic in his voice, "When?" I asked worried for my friend, 


I gasped in shock, "Can they do that?" I asked, "Apparently" Alex responded, "I don't know what to do El" He whispered, his voice wavering slightly, "Is your stuff packed?" I asked, "Mostly, why?" He asked confused. I nodded before remembering he couldn't see me, "Right, here's what you're going to do. You're going to call Freezy and ask him if he can bring Harry to get you and your stuff" "Then what?" Alex asked cutting me off, "then you're going to tell him to take you to my place, you can stay with me and the boys" I explained, "But there's no room" He said "You can have mine Al, It's not like I really sleep in there anymore anyways" I heard him chuckle at my comment obviously referring to Fraser. "You're my best friend you know that?" He asked and I grinned, "Of course, Who else would you call in a crisis" I joked as we said our goodbyes and I made my way back over to Ruby and Iain. 

"Everything okay?" Ruby asked, "Yeah my friends being evicted so I'm letting him crash at ours" I explained as our radio's started going off. 

***At the Call***

We were at a farmhouse treating a patient as a white van pulled up, "Are they bailiffs?" I asked confused looking between Iain and Ruby. Iain nodded slightly as the man started to yell at the bailiffs. We made our way inside only for the man to pull out a gun, "Whoa what you doing?" I yelled as he shot at the bailiffs, Iain got in front of me protecting me as he tried to talk to the man. I moved towards Ruby as he pointed the gun at her pulling the trigger, I flinched causing the bullet to graze my cheek leaving a scratch where it had hit me. I hissed in pain as my fingertip connected with my cheek checking the damage, when I pulled my hand away there was only a slight trickle of blood causing me to sigh in relief. 

When I turned my attention back to the scene before me I could see that Iain now had the gun. I watched as he removed the clip and placed something in his pocket before we all turned our attention to the injured bailiff, beginning his treatment. 

***At Home***

I walked through the door of my building to be greeted by Cal, Harry and Alex carrying boxes in and making their way to the lift. "Boys" I said greeting them as I grabbed one of the boxes that Harry had been struggling with, "Thanks" He greeted before his eyebrows furrowed, "What happened to your cheek?" he asked as I shrugged, "It's just a graze" I responded as the lift dinged and we all made our way to the apartment. 

"Hi baby" Fraser said pecking my lips before I placed the box on the sofa, turning to him he placed a hand on my cheek, running his thumb over the cut, "I'll tell you later" I promised as he made a disbelieving face, "When we go to bed, just not around the boys" I whispered placing a kiss on his cheek before going back to help the boys with the rest of Alex's stuff. 

I never did find out what Iain had put in his pocket. 

Train Wreck (Inabber - Fraser Macdonald)Where stories live. Discover now