Back to Work

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After a week of being at home and every night spent in Frasers room, it was now time for me to go back to work. I didn't know how I felt about this and I think the boys could tell that I was unsure too. Fraser knew that it was more than just a simple accident but he didn't push me to tell him what had really happened and I am so thankful for that. 

I was awoken by my alarm and groaned as I moved to turn it off. I also heard Fraser groan from beside me, "Do you have to go back today?" He asked in a sulky tone. I gave him a small smile as I turned to face him, both of us sitting up in the bed. "Unfortunately, yeah I do" I said in the same tone before leaning forward to place a gentle kiss to his lips. He instantly responded to the kiss, deepening it as his hand found their way to my waist.  After a few moments I pulled away slightly, "I have to get ready for work" I said before moving away from him and making my way to my own room to get dressed. 

As I walked through the apartment I was met with Fraser once more asking me, "But do you feel ready to go back to work?" He questioned, my cheeks flushed at the concern he was showing for me, "Fraser, there is nothing physically wrong with me, which means I have to go back to work" I explained stepping closer to him, "I can't just call in for extra time off because 'I don't feel like it' they're already short staffed enough" I joked slightly towards the end. Fraser sighed but nodded in understanding, "And you'll call me if anything happens or if you need anything or if-" Fraser trailed off as I stepped closer and placed my hands on either side of his face, "It's not my first day Frase, I know what I'm doing. I'll be fine" I assured him as I stepped onto my tip toes  to place a kiss on his lips before making my way towards the door, "BYE JAMES" I yelled loud enough for him to hear me. As soon as I heard his faint yel back I turned my attention back to Fraser, "Everything is going to be fine, I promise." He nodded pulling me into a tight hug. 

***Later that Evening***

I had just got home from work and walked into the apartment to find James, and Fraser sat watching the newest season of Game of Thrones and complaining about it. I chuckled lightly at the homely sight before kicking off my shoes and joining them. I sat between the two leaning my head on Fraser's shoulder as he moved so that his arm was wrapped around me. "How was work?" Fraser asked when James paused the Television whilst announcing we needed more snacks. "Not as bad as I thought it would be I'll give you that" I said as he began to grin at me, pulling me into a tight hug placing a kiss on my forehead as he did so. 

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