CH 6. SS Unova Royal Tourney Final

Start from the beginning

"Both trainers are set?" The hostess asked looking at Jack then glancing towards Isaiah.

"Lets get this battle underway!!"

Isaiah decided it's best to start the battle off safe and get a guaranteed hit.

"Fake-Out!" Both of them yelled in unison.

Sneasel wasted no time and dashed forward with incredible speed. Aipom taking off in a similar manner a bit after Sneasel.

'Sneasel knows Fake-Out too.' Isaiah thought to himself, regretting his decision. He already knew Aipom wasn't going to beat out Sneasel's fake-out. On top of that, Aipom wouldn't be able to attack next turn.

"Aipom, stop and dodge!"

Aipom was 2 steps too slow. Sneasel connected with a quick jab and that caused Aipom to completely stop moving.

"I know you didn't expect my Sneasel to use fake-out huh" Jack sneered. Isaiah watched as his Aipom was defenseless in front of Sneasel. Isaiah cursed under his breath, awaiting for the next attack.

"Uh Oh! Sneasel has Aipom in the same spot as the ones who lost before. Is this where it all ends for Isaiah?!" The hostess's unexpected commentary made a few spectators stand up in their seat.

"Take the win with Metal Claw!" Jack shouted with confidence.

Sneasel's claw glowed a bright light, before turning to steel. Sneasel slashed cleanly, sending Aipom flying back towards Isaiah.

Jack snickered, while Sneasel folded its arms.

"I know that's not enough to keep you down. Let's go, Aipom," Isaiah encouraged his pokémon and Aipom responded quickly.

Aipom winced, before struggling to stand with little difficulty.

No doubt Sneasel is naturally faster than Aipom, not to mention it has more attack power as well. If it wasn't for the training he did with Pearl, he wouldn't be able to compete with this Sneasel.

"Hahaha. I admire the courageous effort, but this a battle you can't win," Jack responded. His heavy set build jiggled with every laugh. He wore a biker overcoat with a Krookadile on the back.

Isaiah couldn't stand those guys, especially when they rode through Floccesy town. Unfortunately for them, Alder was around to run them out with his Bouffalant.

Isaiah knew all Aipom needed was one hit to win the battle, but with Sneasel's speed it'll be almost impossible. He would have to lure in the Sneasel.

"Get rid of it," Jack commanded.

Sneasel charged in for the finishing attack, Isaiah knew Aipom wasn't fast enough to dodge it, but there was no other way out. This is the perfect time to use that move Pearl taught Aipom.

"Hold your ground, Aipom," Isaiah said.


"It's not wise to take an attack head on!" Jack yelled with a gleam in his eye that screamed victory.

Aipom took a deadly metal claw to the back.


'Aaaii, POOOM!'

Aipom made a fist with its hand like tail, using the momentum of its body to spin and crash its tail into Sneasel.

"H-Huh?!" Jack's mouth fell open and he watched his pokémon fly across the arena and smash into the wall of the stands.

"Wow, what power!" The hostess's outburst triggered the crowd to erupt with yells. Aipom landed, breathing heavily from the damage and fatigue.

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