"Yes!" I yelled towards the sky. A bird sang in joy with me. The clouds swirled above me as I spun around like a little girl. Around and around and around I spun, with my arms up and my hair being pulled out behind me because of the gravity. When I came back to my senses I brushed myself off and then pumped my fist in the air like a civilized teenager. The dust cloud appeared and I jumped high enough to join my bird friend. My limo had arrived.

I eagerly jumped on and into my seat, telling the driver to, "Start the car! Start the car!" and practically touching the roof every time I bounced. I was staring out the window, trying not to blink - but not doing it very well - and moving my eyes at the same speed as every shrub or tree that passed. As soon as the sky darkened I was squishing my face to the window in an attempt to see her house. And I missed it. There was a 2 second glimpse but my eyes missed it. Then I saw her.

Jen was standing as still as a stone and her hairs were being whipped around her face. The second I saw her there, I felt self-conscious. 'Was I being stupid? Did I really believe she was a vampire? Or was my imagination taking the better of me? I guess there's only one way to find out.' As soon as she sat down I said hello and then whispered, "You're different aren't you?"

"We all are," was her response.

I tried again. "But you're special."

"We al - "

"You're a special kind of different."

She was quiet. When I looked at her face her expression was blank, unreadable, though I never quite could read any of her strange emotions, or keep up with her unpredictable mood-swings. "You don't know that. How could you anyway?" She seemed to be saying it more to herself than me.

"I can observe things when I want to."

"I can tell."

It was quiet for a moment before I spoke up. "Well?" I asked. "You are, right?"

"I am what?"

I sighed in exasperation. "You're not going to make this easy are you?"

"Not one bit."

I hemmed and hummed trying to figure out what I was going to say, and how to word it properly; I didn't want to sound stupid when I talked to her. She had this way of talking that made her sound...like she was from a different era. "Hmmm...."

"Having troubles?" she laughed.

"No," I said defensively. "You just talk weird."

She laughed, shaking her head at me. "And what is that supposed to mean exactly?"

I blushed. "I'm trying to say stuff like you. You make yourself sound old and civilized. Like you were born in the early 1900s or something."

She laughed again. "You are more observant than I thought. I should give you more credit for that...." She let her sentence hang in the air. "But did you really have to tell me that I sound old?"

"Well that's the only thing I could come up with!" She smiled and I realized what she was doing. "Hey! You're just distracting me from what I wanted to ask in the first place," I accused her.

"Darn. You figured it out. Much more observant...."

"I want to know if - "

"This is hardly the time, or the place. Maybe if you can visit my home then we can talk."

I glared at her but sighed and nodded. "Tonight." I wasn't a question at all.


The bus stopped and Jen stood up, holding her bag in her arm. We stepped off and went to our classes in silence. I was still mad at her.

Death Day in Panda City [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now