Chapter ~8~

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I got to the bottom to find Tanner, Mr. and Mrs. Days, and Jen all standing beside each other in front of the table. Tanner was staring at me funny. 'What's his problem?'

"That, Tanner has to tell you," Jen answered. I pouted and I thought I saw Tanners lips twitch up at the corners for a second.

I took a deep breath, and then asked Mr. Days, "Um, Jen was telling me about her special power...and she said that you and Tanner had powers t - "

"I like to call them our specialties, not powers," Tanner butted in.

" - Too. So I was wondering...what's your power?" Tanner sighed when I said 'power.'

"I have the gift of seeing the future. But it's not as cool as you think. I can see many futures all at once, all the time. Right then, I saw you gape, as well as try to hide your surprise, and just turn to Tanner. I see them all the time, so I can get confused at which future moment I am in at the moment."

"So, you see all the possibilities then?"

"Yes. Exactly."


"Tanner's turn. This is going to be great," Jen said evilly.

"Jen," Mrs. Days scolded.

I took another deep breath and then turned to Tanner.

That was the first time I had actually looked into his eyes. His eyes had a certain look that I had never seen before, especially when someone was looking at me. And I got a sudden urge to touch him. But not like that one time I wanted to touch Jen, no, nothing like that feeling at all.

And then he told me, "Breathe, Mag." I breathed. "Now, go ahead and ask me your question."


He chuckled.

"Hello? Maggie?" Jen's voice and waving hand brought me out of my stupor, probably because I could no longer see Tanner. "Stay with us please. Don't go into Tanner-land on us, ok?"

"Sorry, but that's kind of hard." I heard Tanner chuckle behind me and quickly turned around so I could see him. "Tanner," I whispered. "What's your 'specialty'?"

"I," he started, "have the gift of - "

"Being extremely hot?" I blurted out. I quickly covered my mouth and blushed beet-red.

" - Controlling the elements."

"Oh. Well that's cool, too. I only have the power - I mean, 'specialty' of being over-observant."

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah. It wasn't my fault she found out. It was her fault! And you're not the only one who feels bad about endangering her! I didn't want her to have to be killed either!" Jen agreed.
Tanner's teeth clenched together.

"Jen, get some fresh air. We will see you again once you are cooled down," Mr. Days said.

"Besides, Tanner and Maggie," my stomach fluttered at our names beside each other, "need some time alone. Come on, Edwin. Let's give them some privacy," Mrs. Days agreed.

Tanner smiled and looked at me. "Let's go to my room."

"O-okay," I stuttered.

He looked at my hand, swinging beside me as I walked to the stairs with him. Then he took it in his own, and my hand was overwhelmed with sparks shooting all over. He smiled big as he just watched our hands sway between us. But I was a bit uncomfortable. 'He just grabbed my hand. What, is he in love with me or something?'

He frowned as he looked at my face. "You're sweating. Why?"

"Um, well, its just that, um, I'm a bit, um, uncomfortable at the moment...."

"Oh!" He dropped my hand and looked away. This time, I frowned. It kind of felt nice, but now I can feel that his hand was freezing.

He was suddenly at the top of the stairs, waiting by the first door.

Death Day in Panda City [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now