Chapter ~2~

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I looked at her and mumbled a greeting of my own, before my eyes could actually take in her appearance. She was utterly gorgeous. Her skin was pale, her eyes a tawny auburn, and her hair a shining, golden blonde. Her face was a perfect shape and she didn't have a single zit. Her eyebrows were sleek and perfectly sized, and she smiled. I was breathless at her perfectly straight, perfectly white, gleaming teeth. I gaped at her, one eyebrow raised, and I was jealous.

'How come I can't be that beautiful?' She laughed a sound of bells and my jaw fell open even more.

"Thank you." 'Oh no. I must have said that out loud!'

"U-Uh I d-didn't mean to say that out loud..."

"It's quite alright. I'm Jen, by the way."


"It's very nice to meet you, Maggie."

"It's nice to meet you, too."

She smiled again. And, again, I was breathless. 'I hope she's not--'

"I'm going into grade eight this year. What about you?"

'Well would you look at that'. "Same." 'Man, is she ever easy to make smile.' I finally looked away from her, and for the first time since I laid my eyes on her, I blinked. It hurt a little bit. Then, I screamed.

"What's wrong?" she asked, panicked.

"Puh! Puh! Puh! Puh!"


I pointed to my book and she froze. "Puh! Puh! Puh!"

"Oh! You lost your page! Here, let me help." She reached to take my book and then took my page marker. She randomly opened to a page and showed it to me. I was shocked.

"T-that's it! How...?"

"I saw your book before you let go of it." I closed my mouth.

"Oh." She laughed again. I smiled back. Then the bus stopped.

This time, we were at a school. I had lost track of time and I scrambled to stuff my book into my bag so I could get off. Jen helped me and we got off in time. She walked gracefully away from the bus, while I stood on the ground frozen.

"Coming, Maggie?" she asked me. I could only nod. Finally she walked back to me and took my arm, dragging me towards the office to get our schedules and locker information. She laughed the whole way there at 'my stubbornness' and I awkwardly laughed with her. My legs felt paralyzed. I couldn't feel myself moving them. But, she dragged me along without pausing much, as if I was rolling along the ground like one of those rolling suitcases. Finally, she let go of my arm and my blood could flow again. I rubbed my arm; it was going numb.

Jen took my locker code and read it. "Hmm," she mumbled.

"What?" I asked.

"Your locker is right beside mine. Fancy that."

I shook my head. 'Why me?'

"What? You don't like me?"

My mouth fell open. I was absolutely certain that I had not said that out loud. So how could she know what I was thinking? It just didn't make sense. "No! I-I just..."

"Oh, I see. You feel like a lump of dirt in my presence."

"More like a lump of cow poop."

She laughed again. "Don't worry, you aren't that low."

'Not that low.' She frowned and then hugged me.

"Come on, we need to get to class," she said, jumping and giggling again. I sighed. She took my hand and then swiftly turned around and headed for a classroom with an open door.

Death Day in Panda City [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें