Chapter ~10~

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"Did you have fun sweetie?" my mom asked me when I got into the car.

"Yeah, I had lots of fun."

She continued to make small talk on the way home. I answered simply, because I knew that I couldn't tell her they were vampires....

"I wanted to talk to you about Murder."

'Uh oh.' "What about her?"

"She hasn't come home."
Then I remembered the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

The tires threw grass up behind them as I pedaled away in fear. I had just witnessed two murders. Then something strange happened. I heard a scream, but not a scream of pain or fear. It was a scream of outrage. A flash of colour whizzed passed me, making me screech to a stop and my bike fell on me. It attacked the white ball, and the last thing I saw before blacking out was the golden blonde throwing the white fuzz into a tree.

'Did you kill her?' I asked in my thoughts. I didn't know if she could hear me, but I had to try, right?

Suddenly a hard wind blew and rain started to pelt the windshield. "Oh no!" I screamed as a bolt of lightning hit a tree, causing it to fall onto the road in front of us. Mom swerved to not hit it and we ended up facing the opposite direction of the tree...and a white and red ball stood in the spotlight made by the headlights. Mom screamed and locked the doors. "Mom, get in the back of the car and get down on the floor," I whispered to her, trying not to move my mouth much just in case whatever - or whoever - was possessing Murder could read lips.

She nodded and unbuckled herself, climbing over the seat and cowering on the floor with her hands over her head. 'Tanner! Jen! Help! Murder is here! Please help!' I repeated over and over again in my head.

Murder looked at me with menacing eyes and I was afraid. 'How were Tanner and Jen going to get that thing out of her? Did they have to kill her? Would they even get here in time? Or would 'Murder' kill me before they made it? Would Tanner try to avenge me? Would he get mad? I've only just met him, but I feel like I've known him all my life. I get lost in those golden butterscotch eyes and his gorgeous perfect smile....'

A crash broke me out of my thoughts. Suddenly, I saw Murder ripping at the windshield, trying to get at me through the glass. How could something so innocent have been possessed by something so foul? There was a stench coming in through the vents. It smelled like death and rot.

Then I noticed that Murder's face was rotting. Her eyes were hanging gruesomely out of their sockets and turning an odd green, while her lips were turning black and her mouth was frothing a green-black liquid. She looked like a zombie and down right freaky.
I thought to myself, 'Why does she look like she's a zombie? She's not that old...or is she?' I counted the years in my head. '2...5...8...oh my. Murder is ten years old!' Her decaying body frothed and slashed - and then was gone.

Right before my eyes stood Tanner, who was standing in all his glory in the lights of the car. He looked like an angel, an angel to take me home. His skin was shining in the light...but not sparkling. No, just shining. He stood slightly turned, but his eyes burned with the fire of protection. His teeth were clenched. Then I noticed he was concentrating.

He made the storm. And that's when I noticed that there wasn't any rain pelting the car any more. I smiled; my hero was here. I unlocked my door - but my mom screamed. She screamed and then - she stopped. She faints when she's scared to death. This was my chance. I opened my door - which I slammed right into Tanner.

"No," he managed to say through his clenched teeth.

"But you'll keep me sa - "

"I'm in no mood to have to refrain from killing you right now." His words sounded harsher than he meant them to because his teeth were clenched.

"Oh," I realized. 'Right. My blood sings for him.' "But you're stronger than that. I kno - "

"You over estimate my self control. Please, just stay in the car."

"Where's Murder?"

"Jen's taking care of her."

"Does that mean she's - "

"Later, Mags."

I sighed. "Fine." I got back in the car and shut the door. The driver-side door then got knocked on. I looked, frightened, through the window to see Tanner peering through.

"What?" I snapped.

"Can you please unlock the door?" His words were muffled because of the storm outside and the glass.


"I would like in."

"I thought you didn't want to smell me," I said, turning in my seat to look through my window - and he was looking through it.

"I can't stand the idea of being here, and not being near you."

"Humph." I had to look away from him. I wouldn't be able to say no if I got lost in his eyes.

"Please, Mags?"

"No," I said, looking down.

"Well I guess then I'll just have to climb over you."

I panicked and tried to lock the door, but he had beaten me to it, and was now sitting in the driver's seat. Modestly, he pressed the unlock button.

"See, now was that so hard?"

"Yes, and it was unfair," I pouted. I glared out my window, not looking at him.

"Please don't be mad."

"And why not?" I asked, irritated.

"Because I don't like to see you mad at me."

"You're the one who started it," I pointed out.

"Good point, but isn't this better than having to watch me out the window?"

"No. I would rather do that."

"You are so stubborn. Do I have to force you again?"

"No! That's not fair." But he took my face in his hand and I couldn't refuse the electricity that flowed over my skin.

"Are you sure?"

"No," I whispered.

He smiled. "I'm glad. You know, in a story or a movie, we would kiss, but I'm not sure I can keep myself from crushing you yet."

"Yeah...that would be bad...."

"Very bad," he agreed. I only nodded, as I just lost myself in his eyes. "Blink, Mags," he reminded me. I blinked. And then I stared some more. He sighed. "Though I like the idea of taking care of you, you need to take care of yourself sometimes."

"Mm," I mumbled. He chuckled. It brought me somewhat out of my stupor. "Tanner?"

"Yes, Maggie?"

"Is Jen taking care of Murder by killing her?"

He was silent for a moment, which caused me to focus on his face to see his expression. He looked unsettled. "Possibly."

"Do you know what's wrong with her?"

"Sadly, I have no idea what's wrong with my sister. Maybe she feels too many emotions at once from all the minds she reads?"

"I meant Murder," I scolded him.

"Oh. She's been possessed."

"I know that, but what's possessed her?"

"I'm not sure."


"But it seems like she's been possessed by a ghost. I'm just glad it didn't get you instead." And then, he kissed my hair.

The sparks were overwhelming, and he was holding my head a little too tight. The world started spinning and before I knew it my vision was clouding....

"Maggie I'm sorry!"

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