Planning and an Immortal | 計画と不滅

Start from the beginning

I snuck behind a wall, only to hear Tsukune's voice. "Hey, Kurumu-chan, did you hear that, it sounded like Tsukune's voice." I could hear Mizore and Kurumu so I revealed myself from the wall. "What are you two doing here?" I asked the girls this and Mizore looked down. "Tsukune's being used as bait to attract a mole within anti-thesis. I'm guessing you and Dante might be a case of cannon fodder." "Like always..." I mumbled this under my breathe after hearing Mizore's statement and I walked through the structure, only to see a crater in the ground, with blood shining on the rocks. I moved closer only to feel my legs get grabbed. I started to materialize my katana and right as I was taken underneath. "I heard you were harder to kill than the other two..." I could hear the voice and I smiled evily. "You're wrong. I can't die, because bad people don't die." I said this before I cut towards a hand reaching for my neck.

I see two pairs of hands pulling this mysterious monster. I held on and as soon as we were resurfaced, I could see Tsukune and Dante. Tsukune was fine, but Dante was bleeding, though he did a good job closing his wounds after getting out of the dirt. I saw that the monster behind it was Mizuki and Tsukune looked me in the face. "I know I stopped you from killing Chopper, so I guess I owe you this... What you do to him is your decision..." The half human boy said this before I grabbed my 1911Colt out of my shoe and looked at Mizuki, who was bleeding from his arm. I drained him of his powers, before shooting two shots... At the ground.

"I know this is going to bite me on the ass later, but leave before the third bullet hits your heart." I said this firmly and he got up and ran away. I went back to Tsukune and the others, to see Tsukune on a cot and everyone else gathered around him. For this to be the festival committee, they got here fairly quickly. Even Hokuto. "Mizuki was the mole, his body won't be found, seeing that Gideon dealt with him." Dante saying that makes me somewhat regret not killing him. 'Damn... Maybe letting him go was truly the wrong choice... But a mole? The headmaster has us in the dark... I don't like this...' I could see Tsukune grab Hokuto's hand and they had said something inaudible to me, as I light a cigarette and let myself heal as I smoked.

As soon as everyone else cleared out, Kurumu walked up to me, so I quickly put out the cigarette by stomping it. "Baka! Those things are bad for you." Her saying this made me laugh sheepishly. "Yeah, I know, but I'm immortal so it won't hurt me... Like at all." I said this and she looked at me, before face palming. "I don't care. Agh... Promise me you'll quit, Gideon-kun?" Kurumu saying this made me look at her before looking back at the walls of the structure. "I don't think I'll be able to..." I said this and Kurumu gave me a more serious, sad look, which I would consider out of place, for it to be her. "Gideon-kun... If you're worried about the withdrawal symptoms, don't. We'll help you. You're our friend after all, my friend." Kurumu said this and something in my head and body made me hug her. I felt her hug me back, so it wasn't bad or awkward. "We've known each other for a month or two and you've done nothing but care for me, somehow." I said this and the succubus gave me another hug. This particular hug involved her lowering me to her height, you can guess where my face went. I wanted to hug her back... but even as an immortal, I need air. "Kurumu-chan, I appreciate the kind gesture and all, but I need to breathe." With those words, she let me go. "Ni totte (Forgive me), Gideon-kun. I just... Can we talk more during the festival?" Kurumu's question made me worried and confident, all at once. "H-Hai... (Y-yes...) Of course." Oh Gideon, what did you just get yourself into?

Third Omniscient

Within the base of the festival committee stood Hokuto and another boy with white hair, and two differently colored eyes. "Well, president... I must say, you're good at making empty promises, president." The voice of the boy with white hair made Hokuto laugh a bit. "So, has Anti-Thesis been established?" Hokuto smiled at the question presented to him, while remembering the praise he was given earlier. "It is Kiria, though the promise I made to the Tsukune boy, was not empty. I said I'll show this school change. I plan on keeping that promise, I'll take them through an unseen path... a path to destruction." As Hokuto said this Kiria nodded.

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