Chapter 24 - Flashback Kinks: Part 2

Start from the beginning

              "We want you. Not for some bullshit sexual contract, but for as long as you feel comfortable." I say, placing a soft and calm hand on his thigh. Saville sits in the middle of the bed, criss-cross while looking at the two of us. His eyes snap back and forth between the two of us, while his I'm sure his mind works a mile-a-minute.

His face was a mess of emotions from anger to sadness. I couldn't figure out what he was feeling, and he didn't seem in the right state to speak. Tears flowed from his eyes, dripping down his cheeks which only made Alex and I melt. I quickly pulled him towards me, pressing his head against my chest in an effort to calm him.

"If you don't want this. If you don't want us, Saville, that's ok. Your allowed to want what you want, but do you?" Allie asked him. His head almost immediately popped up like a prairie dog.

"I... I'm not allowed to want you. Your married." Saville said, making both Allie and I look confused.

"I don't know if you've noticed this yet Sav, but Alex and I aren't your normal couple. We like you, and we want to spend our time with you." I spoke, joking for moment before telling him the truth.

There was a moment of realization on our cuties face, that made me feel even shittier than before. He truly thought we were using him for our own kinky needs. Let alone did he realize we loved watching TV with him, annoying him, even eating with him.

I spent a bit of time smiling and looking deep into my puppies eyes, while his mind worked out what I had said. It was quick and I hadn't seen his lips coming when they landed on mine. They were soft and wet from his tears, while being just a bit salty.

His tongue moved into my mouth quickly, which shocked me a bit. He never really took this much of a lead. It made me want to hold him down and show him who was in charge, but I thought that was too soon.

"Slow down Little One, we still need to discuss a few things." Alex said, getting Sav to stop but only for a dazed moment. His eyes were large and lust-filled, but our lips were separated for the time being.

"Can't we talk after?" Saville whined, making Allie sadistically chuckle.

"No, and if you don't listen, you won't like what happens." My husband threatened before pulling our cutie off my lap and onto his. Selfish prick.

"Eli and I have very specific kinks, and we need to know if your okay with them." Alex started to explain.

"I think I know what they are..." Saville spoke, nervousness apparent in his voice.

"It's okay Little One, there no reason to be nervous. Your safe with us." I pet Sav, while he sat calmly.

While my kink started at the club, Alex's didn't. From what I've read and understand about it, his kink is believed to be more of a mental turn on. Where mine could be considered physical. None of this truly matters in the long run. Because simply put, whatever turns you on can never really be changed or altered.

Sometimes that's a sad thing, sometimes is a shameful thing. I don't think Allie and I ever viewed ourselves as ashamed of these things, because we felt liberated to know there were people like us.

Some couples will let things like fantasies about threesomes and throuples ruin them. Why? Is it jealously or selfishness? Polyfidelity has almost always fascinated the two of us, but we didn't have the words to understand it fully. After years together, and such a open door to everything sexual thanks to my Husbands career; we learned a lot. We love it a lot too.

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