Chapter 37

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Laura's POV
What did I just do?

I ruin everything I have.

He was in pain. He was abused, and raped, and kidnapped and what did I do?

I broke him even more.

But what if what Brianna said was right? What if he's relieved right now?


Chandler's POV

I'll never be happy again. It's over. My two and a half months of happiness, gone.

I lost her.

I lost a lot of things. My brother, my parents.

Yet she's the most painful thing to lose. What changed? She was fine yesterday. Maybe she was just pretending.

I can't even cry. Everything feels so...numb. No more happy. No more anything.

And this is what had me sitting where I am now. On a train track, waiting. Waiting for the huge train to come and take me away.

I'll get to meet my brother. Hopefully I go to Heaven.

Life is Hell already.

Hopefully I won't go down there. I've had enough of the pain and suffering right?

That's what I always think though. Then more comes.

I hear footsteps coming from the woods. But it's okay, because then I hear the loud chugging sound of the train, too.

I smile slightly and think to myself, finally.

Then I hear Zay's voice, he sounds scared. He must've known I was here because me and him sometimes come here to hang out. I'll miss doing that.

"Chandler, no!" He screams. Then I feel him pulling me away, I'm off the train tracks as I watch it go by.

"No..." I muttered.

"No! You ruined it!" I yelled as he held on to my sleeve.


"No! I was finally gonna be happy and you.." My voice broke and the tears I've been trying to keep unshed slid down my face.

Zay looked ready to cry too, and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"It's okay, man." He said, and I can tell he's crying. Do I really matter that much to him?

Do I matter that much to anyone?

Clearly not to Laura.

"I thought she loved me." I said, it was muffled by Zay's shoulder and me crying. "She does." Zay pulled away.

"Look, man I don't know what happened but she does love you. I know she does. C'mon, let's go home alright?" Zay said, patting me on the arm and walking towards to woods.

I wiped my face and followed.


3rd Person POV

Zay and Chandler walked in the front door of Chandler's house.

Immediately Andy walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Where were you? It's 6:00pm where have you been?" He asked, concern lacing his voice and features.

Chandler looked down. Ready for Andy to yell at him. Maybe hit him. "I-I'm sorry." He said.

"It's okay, Chandler. Just tell me where you were." Andy said calmly. "T-the train tracks." Chandler answered shortly.

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