Timber: "Hey, cool lantern! Mine's my face!"

(Y/N): "And mine is decorated with my wings."

You and Sci-Twi laugh a bit, her laugh was a bit fake. She sighed as she walked away sadly with her lantern. You quickly catch up to her, along side Timber.

Timber: "Is she okay?"

Sci-Twi: "Mm-hmm."

(Y/N): "Just a little down, but I'll comfort her."

Timber: "Okay dude."

You nod as you three head to the dock. Luna and Celestia light everyone's lanterns. Sci-Twi's lantern was lit, she smiles when she looked into it. You poke your head next hers and smile as you hug her again before breaking it. Gloriosa felt jealousy, but wiped it way with a smile.

Gloriosa: "Ready? And... go!"

Everyone lift their lanterns above their heads and then they float away, with the exception of Pinkie Pie, since hers is overloaded with marshmallows.

Pinkie: "Aw! Oh, well! Now I get to eat it!"

She grabs a handful of marshmallows and eats them with her mouth open. The others slow back away.

Pinkie: "Yep, beautiful and delicious."

(Y/N): "That's Pinkie Pie for ya."

Random Female student: "How can (Y/N) fall for someone like Pinkie Pie?"

(Y/N): "You'd surprised, Pinkie Pie is a cheerful and optimistic, She's a great cook, the list goes on, I have my reasons why I love her and my other girlfriends."

Random Female Student: "Oh."

Later the night, Sunset woke up and Sci-Twi wasn't there.

Sunset: "Sci-Twi?"

She looks out of her tent to her and Sci-Spike running off.

Sunset: "Sci-Twi!"

She put on a change of clothing and run over to your tent and shook you and Mane-iac awake.

Sunset: "(Y/N), wake up!"

You slowly opens your eyes and see Sunset.

(Y/N): "Sunset, it's 3:00 am, what is it?"

Sunset: "Sci-Twi ran off into the woods!"

Your eyes shot open as you get up and change into a change of clothing.

(Y/N): "Let's go!"

Sunset: "What about Mane-iac, are we gonna wake her?"

Mane-iac then wakes up and sees you two.

Mane-iac: "What time is it?"

Sunset: "3:00 am?"

Mane-iac: "Well, I should be making devices that can help talk to the spirit of this forest."

Mane-iac then got up and work on a device to make contact with Gaia Everfree, while you and Sunset ran out and follow Sci-Twi. You then found Sci-Twi.

Sunset and (Y/N): "Sci-Twi?"

She stops and turn around with a nervous look as she rubs her arm.

Sunset: "What are you doing out here?"

Sci-Twi: "We're... we're meeting a cab to take us home."

(Y/N): "In 3:00 am in the morning?"

(DISCONTINUED) Cold hearted love: MLP EG harem x male necrofriggian reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя