I - Into the woods

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"Good! No one wants you around anyway." Amy poked out her tongue and walked past him in such a provocative manner that Roka actually was a little surprised that she didn't get killed for it. But the Master simply pretended she didn't exist.

Slightly agitated the Doctor raised a hand and coughed a bit. "I err... You're not going to stay in here on your own, Master. Don't look at me like that! You have a pretty impressive track record of betraying my trust!"

That finally let a small, smug smile appear on the Master's face and he chuckled darkly. "Well, why not. A forest is as good as any other place to stir some trouble."

The Doctor had been right

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The Doctor had been right. The forests of Nevokarti were truly a sight. Lush and brimming with small wildlife, trees and plants in all shapes and colors everywhere. Most of them green, like on earth, but sometimes there also was a bit of turquoise and even purple. The temperatures were exactly right, so they didn't freeze, but also not sweat too much from all the walking.

Evening was about to draw closer and their trail lead in a wide circle back to the TARDIS. At roughly half of the way there was supposed to be a nice spot to set up camp, according to the Doctor. He almost constantly blabbered on about the different plants and animals here and how this planet used to be a hideout for intergalactic smuggling some millennia ago.

Right now they passed a set of thin waterfalls, crashing down overgrown hills and into a steam-covered turquoise basin far below them. They had to use a definitely too thin path to get the full view, but it was stunning enough to compensate for the balance act.

Rory stretched his arms in the air and soaked in the picture. If all their travels would be like this he actually wouldn't mind them. It also was a delight to see that Amy was also happy with the choice of location.

When she was happy, he was. And that would never change, no matter what. Even though the thought contained some painful possibilities. Since the Doctor had appeared in their life Rory had been in constant doubt if he really was the right man for her. The dangerous parts had, admittedly, also been fun. In a way. But in the long run, Rory would be glad if they wouldn't have to run for the rest of their lives. He was more the type to eventually settle down, get a bunch of kids and have a happy, ordinary everyday life.

Thinking about all that he fell a bit behind, finally realizing that he was now trotting behind everyone. The Doctor, silent for once, even though he'd surely find something new to talk about soon. What a strange man, not even human and nothing but a figment of Amy's imagination... for the longest part of their lives. Now, suddenly, he was very real and did his best to put everything upside down. Even so, Rory trusted him for some reason. It was more like a gut instinct, but he simply knew the Doctor would never let them down when it came to the worst.

Then there was Roka, and Rory really wasn't sure what he should think about that woman, that looked like she was still underage even though counting two hundred years. Somehow his senses were ringing when she was around, and he didn't quite trust her. Maybe because she seemed to have some weird morals, maybe because she was so aloof around everyone. Or maybe it was simply because, in some ways, she reminded him a lot of someone else, even though she at least seemed to lack his tendency for cruelty.

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