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Kyle sat at his kitchen table, tongue sticking out of his mouth indicating that he was concentrating hard on the task at hand. It was March 21st,  the day before one of his best friends birthday,  and he wanted to make sure that this was the best day Kenny had ever had.  He had spent the last month creating a scrapbook of his favourite memories with his second-best friend and bought a huge amount of Kenny's favourite sweets.  The only problem was that Kyle was terrible at wrapping gifts,  and had already gone through a roll of paper trying to get it right. "Bubby,  me and your father are going to Liane's.  Ike is upstairs playing Minecraft,  can you keep an eye on him for us?  Love you! " Sheila said quickly before leaving with Gerald,  giving Kyle no time to reply or object. Kyle sighed as he tore the paper again,  suspected that he would never finish the gift. Kyle immediately was reminded of his super best friend and reached for his phone.  He clicked on Stan's contact and typed out a message.

BROflovski: Hey dude,  I need help with Kenny's present 😩 You free?

Kyle put his phone down,  not expecting Stan to reply for a while.

Super Best Friend: Sure man,  your place? I'll bring snacks 😄 Was just about to text you actually, I'm bored as fuuuuck. 

Kyle smiled at the quick reply and sighed happily at the thought of seeing his best friend.

BROflovski: Sammee. Parents went to Cartman's and I'm stuck with Ike. Missing my super best friend 😁

Super Best Friend: Dude I saw you yesterday 😂 I'm omw,  bringing cheesy poofs and diet mountain dew for my diabetic boy 😄 Gonna smell like Cartman's

Kyle's cheeks heated up at being called "my boy" by Stan and he raised an eyebrow to himself in confusion.

BROflovski: Oh god I fucking hate that fatass 😂 See you soon Stan :)

A few moments later Kyle heard the familiar pattern of knocks on the door and jumped up in excitement. He heard the door open and Ike shouted " KYLE YOUR BOYFRIEND'S HERE! " Kyle blushed then retorted with " HA HA IKE,  GO BACK TO PLAYING MINECRAFT ALONE! " Stan chuckled and walked into the kitchen with his arms full of crisps and drinks. "Hey dude" Stan smiled looking at his friends' futile attempt at wrapping his present. "Need some help? ".  Kyle looked up from his horribly wrapped disaster nodding frantically.  " Stan you have no idea how hard this is" Stan set the snacks down in front of kyle and sat down next to him. "Here" Stan chuckled as he easily fixed the mess Kyle had made. " Dude thanks,  I would have been here for hours if you hadn't come" Kyle laughed. "We still have these snacks,  you wanna watch the new Terrance and Phillip with me? " Stan nodded eagerly and launched himself out of the room and onto Kyles couch. Kyle grabbed the snacks and put Kenny's present on the side,  then followed Stan into the living room and plopped down on the sofa next to him. "You think Kenny will like the presents? " Kyle asked.  " Of course dude,  Kenny likes everything,  I mean he is best friends with the fatass" Stan laughed. Stan realised that Kyle looked anxious,  and on reflex intertwined their fingers. He'd done that to calm down the ginger since they were toddlers,  and when Cartman had caught him doing it he had gained the nickname "Kyle's Super Best Boyfriend".  He didn't want to admit that he secretly wanted the nickname to come true,  and had done for some time. " Why do you care about it so much dude" Stan asked in a soft voice,  careful not to spark the redhead's fiery temper. " I just..  Kenny has such a shit life...  I mean.. His parents...  His house...  And on top of that, he thinks no one cares... "Kyle's eyes began to cloud with tears.  " Stan why didn't we see it sooner...  Kenny has so much shit on his plate..  I just..  I want to make up for it you know. " Stan hugged his best friend,  rubbing circles into his back as he broke down in his arms.  Kenny had recently broken down in front of the group, leading the boys to pay more attention to his life. Kyle felt horrible for being such a terrible friend. "Shhh..  Its ok dude..  We'll make it the best fucking birthday that orange idiot has ever had. " Kyle smiled through his tears at Stan,  grateful that he always knew what to say to him. " Thanks dude. I'm gonna put this movie on now" Kyle smiled,  grabbing a blanket and snuggling up to Stan in the way they did when they were alone. Kyle didn't know why but being so close to Stan always made him feel safe and happy, and Stan felt the exact same way,  except he was fully aware of his giant crush on the ginger. As the movie progressed,  the boys ended up falling asleep with Kyle's head in Stans lap. The clicking of the door as Kyles parents got home woke up Stan,  but Kyle remained fast asleep.  Stan saw Kyles hat lying on the floor,  and stared longingly at the sight before him.  Kyles ginger curls fell over his closed eyes,  covering Stans lap in a variety of reds and oranges.  The moonlight through the window fell onto Kyles sleeping form, highlighting the barely noticeable freckles dusted along his nose and shoulders. Stan couldn't resist reaching out and stroking Kyle's cheek,  as he gazed at his slightly parted lips,  and sharp jawline. Stan was in deep for his best friend,  but he didn't care.

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