Chapter 43

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I opened the door and Christine came up to me. "What's wrong?" She asked. I shook my head, "I will explain." I answered. She nodded and headed toward the sofa. I sat next to her, "Evan, Nathan, it's a long story." I said, looking at them. I closed my eyes. "After I ran away, a band of gypsies took me in. They said they would take care of me, but they ended up beating me like mother. One night, I had burst and hung the man that would always beat me. A woman, Madame Giry, came and took me in. Giving me a home below the Opera Populaire. I lived in the catacombs, 'haunting' the managers." I smiled at the thought. "I lived there practically my entire life. I met Christine there, I trained her voice. Became her angel. And then there was Don Juan. I wrote an opera for the cast to perform. I was singing with Christine, and she pulled off my mask. My temper got the best of me, and I cut down the chandelier, causing the fire." I paused, closing my eyes for a second then opening them again. "I killed mother, because of my anger." I said, looking at them. Nathan looked as if he were going to throw up. Evan on the other hand seemed to not care at all. He stood. "That's what you were stressed about." He said, walking toward me. "Mother was very aggressive, Erik, we didn't like her. She beat us, she would lock us in rooms. She was not a good person, actually far from it." He said placing a hand on my shoulder. "How could you say that Evan?! She gave us a life!" Nathan yelled. "She also made us regret it! She was a terrible person Nathan!" Evan argued. Nathan backed down, "I'm sorry for yelling Erik." He apologized. "It's okay, it's a lot to take in." I assured. He smiled, so did Evan. "It's getting quite late, I will get you two a room at the Phantasma hotel. For free." I said walking toward the door. They followed, "Christine darling, I will be back." I say. She nodded. I led them to their rooms.

By the time I got back it was eleven, I walked in, locking the door behind me. Evan and Nathan, here. It was really hard for me to believe. How did they get here? Daniel didn't know about them until last night. I decided I would ask the next day. I headed toward my room. I turned the knob and pushed on the door, opening it. "Hello fiancé." Christine greeted. I almost jumped. I chuckled. "What are you doing in here?" I asked. She smiled, "Well since we're getting married, I thought I would sleep in here with you." She explained. I grinned. "Okay." I grabbed my cotton night clothes and headed toward the water room to change. "Erik." She said. I turned. "Yes?" I asked. She grinned. "You don't have to change out there.." She said, walking toward me. I began to grow uncomfortable. She'd see my scars. Especially from my bullet wound. And the scars from my beatings. "Christine shouldn't we wait for that?" I asked. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Please." She begged. "Christine I'm covered in scars. I don't think you want to see that." I resisted. "Erik, I do not care. I love you." She traced my jawline with her two fingers. She slid her hand under my mask and took it off. And then my wig. "Please." She whispered. I gazed at her, "Fine, but you can't laugh, or run..." I gave in. She smiled happily. "Okay."

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