Chapter 44

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She backed up giving me space. I took a deep breath before sliding my shirt off, then my under shirt. I had always had scars but also always had muscle. She gazed upon my chest, "Erik you can barely see the scars." She said, without looking in my eyes, only staring at my body. I slid my trousers down, with nothing but under garments. I grabbed my night clothes and put them on quickly, Christine stopped me from putting on my shirt. "I want to see your scars for a little longer." She whispered. I didn't know if that were a bad thing or not. She just stared at my chest. She took hand and laid me down on the bed, then laid next to me, leaning over me to gaze at my body. She slid her hands down to my waist. It sent shivers up my spine. She traced a long scar, it was from a man slicing my stomach open, I stitched it up myself. Memories brought back pain. I flinched when she traced the next one, my bullet wound. "Angel I won't hurt you." She cooed. "I know." Was all I could muster. I was scared to death, I didn't know what she was thinking. Maybe love? No, not yet. We just got engaged. And there are people in rooms next to us, they would hear it. Christine traced my longest scar, all the way down my stomach, it made me shiver. Her soft touch didn't hurt, only seemed like a threat, of what was going to happen. I feared she would leave a scar on me. Why? Nobody has ever gotten this close to me with out beating me. I needed to trust Christine. She wouldn't ever do something like that, she's too kind. She snuggled up next to me, I covered us up and I wrapped my arms around her. "Erik?" She whispered. "Yes Christine?" I replied. "I love you and your scars." She said. "I love you too, it's just you don't have scars." I chuckled. She giggled lightly. And then fell asleep. I did too.

The next morning I woke, Evan and Nathan were standing over me. I jumped. Daniel was behind them. I sat up, so did Christine. "What? Erik is built?" He said. I chuckled. Evan spoke up first out of him and Nathan, "Happy birthday!" He said excitedly. I smiled. He placed pancakes on my lap. "It's my birthday?" I asked. Nathan nodded with a smile. "Mother would always curse at you on this day, that's why we came to America, we heard about your success and came before your birthday." Nathan explained. "Well thank you." I grinned. Christine laid her head on my shoulder, then held onto my arm. Daniel sat there staring at my chest. "What?" He seemed surprised. "Are you jealous?" Christine teased. I laughed. I began eating, feeding some to Christine. "Why didn't you tell me?" Daniel asked. I chuckled, "I didn't want to brag." I laughed. He rolled his eyes. Raoul walked in. "Happy birthday Erik." He said, before his jaw dropped. "What? When did.... That happen?!" He said, pointing at my chest. I rolled my eyes. "No wonder Christine liked him better." "I'm not that big." I laughed "You may not be big, but extremely 'fit'." Daniel grinned. I chuckled, and lifted the fork to Christine's mouth. She bit off the pancake, "Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded. "I just have a headache." I kissed her forehead. "Okay, do you want them to leave?" I asked, caressing her cheek. "No, it's fine." She replied. "Okay." I looked up at Daniel. "So when are you guys going to tell everyone?" He asked. Raoul perked up, "Tell us what?" He asked. I glanced down at Christine. "Get Evan, Nathan, and Cora. Then tell them." She said. I nodded. Daniel sat there, so did Raoul. "You heard the woman." I chuckled. Raoul got up, Daniel sat there, and waited. "Can you hand me my shirt?" I asked. He laughed and nodded. I slipped it on. Cora came rushing in, so did Evan and Nathan. "What?" Evan asked. I glanced at Christine. She nodded. "We're getting married." I said with a smile. Cora squealed, Daniel smiled. Raoul smiled also, I could see the pain behind his eyes. "That's great Erik! Congratulations!" Nathan said, Evan nodded, "yes, congratulations." He smiled. I got out of bed, I walked over to Raoul and patted him on the shoulder. "Can I have a word?" I asked. He nodded. I lead him out of the room and down the hall. "I know this is hard, we can postpone the wedding." I said. He shook his head violently. "No! I don't want you to do that. You guys love each other and I will now the one to ruin a future. Erik I may still care for Christine but I do not love her, I love Cora." He looked down. "The day I saw you two perform for Don Juan, I thought for sure I would lose her." He paused. "You deserved her, the entire time. I was just to selfish to realize it. I was so focused on getting Christine, I didn't care about how life treated you. You're a great man Erik and I don't want to ruin this great life for you." He said looking back up at me. I smiled at him. "Thank you, Raoul. That's probably the nicest thing you e said to me... Ever." I chuckled. He smiled too, "Your welcome Erik, now come, we have a wedding to plan." He grinned.

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