Chapter 3- Love potion takes affect

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Hello my dear shizaya fans, well i can let you know that there are shizaya momets in this chapter in other words yaoi moments (boyxboy), and also a confession!! Hope you enjoy this chapter my shizaya fans XD ;) 

Chapter 3- Love potion takes affect

Izaya’s P.O.V.

     I sat on the sofa while Shizuo decided to throw a fit around my house by throwing stuff onto the floor and smashing walls. “Does he realise it’s my house that he’s wrecking? Hope he’s willing to pay for all the damage because I’m not paying for it” I thought angrily but then having Shizuo in my house is kind of exciting. I felt my body start to tingle at the thought, I’m feeling bad again. My head began to hurt yet again, so I laid on the sofa covering my face with my hands, until Shizuo grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away from my face, “What’s up with you flea? If you’re still not feeling well then maybe I should take you back to the hospital where you belong with the rest of them fleas!”

     I pushed him away and sat up, “What’s your problem Shizuo, why are you still here? If you hate me that much then go away!” Shizuo’s grip tightened around my wrist which usually caused me to fight back and wriggle my way out of his grip, but this time I could feel goosebumps up my arm where he touched me, before I knew it my body was acting on it’s on, like it was surrendering to him. I felt weak and useless which means I couldn’t fight back even if I wanted to, and before I knew it I was reaching for Shizuo’s collar and pulling him towards me. Shizuo soon pulled away from me and pushed me hard against the sofa. But instead of fighting back I just laid there, I couldn’t feel my body as it had turned numb the moment Shizuo touched me. “What the hell is wrong with me?!”

    Shizuo eyed me suspiciously “Hey, flea what did that bartender drug you with exactly. Your useless and weak against me, I could beat you up right now and you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.” He smiled at that, “This isn’t funny Shizuo! I’ve been drugged by that stupid bartender!! If you lay a hand on me I swear that when this is all over, you’re going to pay!” Shizuo just continued smiling, and I could feel myself blush a little as I looked into his eyes which were, thank god, covered by his glasses. Shizuo raised a fist and aimed it at me, “Oh great, this is just great. I can’t move or do anything and now he’s about to beat the hell out of me!”

    I was lying on the sofa while Shizuo was on top of me, when he grabbed my collar and raised a fist at me, I managed to swerve his fist no idea how, and managed to use most of my energy to push him backwards into the sofa so I was now on top of him. I smiled, “Got you now, Shizuo-chan.” Shizuo made a disgusted face, “What the hell is wrong with you flea, since when do you call me Shizuo-chan?” I smiled a devilish grin “Since I started wanting you.” Before Shizuo could answer I closed the gap between are lips, and could instantly feel his warm lips against mine. This made my whole body tremble in delight, I traced my tongue along his bottom lip to try and grant access to his mouth, and surprisingly he allowed me access. I slid my tongue into his mouth exploring every part of his mouth rewarding me with a few moans from Shizuo, and then are tongues locked together making me moan and tremble even more. I went back to kissing him roughly, and bit his bottom lip making him moan, I began to reach down for his belt until he stopped me, and pushed me away.

   We were both panting like mad, but for some reason I felt relieved like all the pain had gone away, and my body was no longer numb, well I could feel a little bit of numbness but not as bad as it was just a few moments ago. Shizuo quickly stood up, “I don’t know what that guy drugged you with flea, but don’t pass it along to me!” I sat frozen, after all that Shizuo still hates me, for some reason I felt rage building inside, but at the same time I felt like crying. “I’ve never felt this way before, what the hell is happening to me?” I thought feeling confused. I looked up at Shizuo who immediately turned away, but I could still see that he was blushing which made me smile, “So, you did enjoy it Shizuo-chan? Looks like you’re just as pathetic as I am at the moment then.” He looked at me with an angry expression, and then walked of, “Don’t tell anyone about this flea, or else you’ll pay!”

    Before he left I quickly ran to him, grabbed his hand and pulled him into a tight hug, “Don’t go Shizuo-chan, I want you!” I could hear his heart beating fast and hard against his chest, he tried pulling me away but I just tightened my grip even more, “What the hell, of course you don’t want me flea you’re just drugged, get away from me! Were meant to be fighting each other and besides were both men we can’t do this!” “Shizuo-chan I don’t care if you’re a man I still wants you, and there’s nothing wrong with dating the same sex.” Shizuo tried even harder to wriggle his way out of my arms, “This is ridiculous, flea get the hell of me!” I tightened my grip yet again and buried my face into his chest letting tears roll down my face, “Do I really have to say it to you Shizuo-chan, you’re so mean!” He gave up on trying to push me away and let out a sigh, “say what to me, flea?” I looked into his eyes “Shizuo-chan I love you!”  

Another cliffhanger for you guys, im so nice XD. Who else thought that confession was cute though, yes im judging my own writing but when reading it back to myself i thought it was cute, hehe ;) 

The question is how will Shizuo react to this all and is it really just the drug or does Izaya actually have feelings for Shizuo? More cliffhangers for you guys, thank you for reading, until the next time my dear shizaya fans :)  

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