Chapter 2- A surprising visitor

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Hello everyone well heres the next part of the story, there's a bit of shizaya in this chapter but not much just yet, hold on my dear shizaya fans XD  

Chapter 2- A suprising visitor

Shizuo’s P.O.V

     I looked up at the sky as I sat my back against the wall outside of the Neon club. “What the hell happened to that flea?” I saw Izaya get picked up and taken into the ambulance, “Pff, why would I care what happens to that flea? He’s annoying anyway, that’s one less thing I have to worry about and get angry over!” But for some reason I couldn’t help worrying about him a little, it was always there at the back of my mind the way he suddenly collapsed. Never have I once seen Izaya collapse in front of me so suddenly. “What the hell, why would I care about what happens to Izaya?!” I let out a sigh and stood up, “Time to get going.”

Izaya’s  P.O.V

    I could see Shizuo’s blonde hair blowing in the wind as he looked at me, his brown eyes staring directly into my eyes. I could feel my face grow hotter as his eyes searched me from top to bottom, I knew what he wanted and it was me. He began to walk towards me and before I knew it he was there in front of me are faces just inches apart from each other, and slowly Shizuo began to close the gap between are lips, until finally are lips met….

    I awoke with a startle wiping my mouth, “How disgusting no way did I just dream about me and him doing that?!!” I could hear a beeping sound next to me and when my vision became clear I noticed I was in a hospital. I looked around me and I could see lots of patients, some with broken legs or arms, and some who look like they might die any second. “Wouldn’t want to be them right now, or though it wouldn’t be too bad after having that dream.” I replayed the dream I had a few minutes ago and I could feel shivers throughout my body. But for some reason after a while the dream didn’t seem so bad, “wait what? Did I really just think that, what the hell did I get drugged with, that damn bastard of a bartender, he surely won’t get away with this!”

   I looked around me checking for any doctors or nurses close by and couldn’t see any apart for the ones who were too busy treating the other patients. So I decided to make my exit, I quickly grabbed my coat which was hanging next to me, freed myself from the machine which was really starting to irritate me, and made a run for it. I was almost at the door when somebody noticed I was making a run for it, I could hear a nurse call out “We’ve got a runner!!” I turned back, “Really, is that what nurses say these days when someone makes an exit? Some people really are weird around here. They need to start practicing their catchphrases if you ask me.” I didn’t really fancy arguing about it though I was too busy trying to desperately find my way out of this stupid place.

    I ran down a flight of stairs and finally came to the ground floor, I dashed towards the door leading into the hallway and ended up banging into someone while opening the door, which sent me flying backwards and landing on the floor. I rubbed my head and back and then noticed who I banged into, “Shizuo!! What the hell are you doing here?!” Shizuo gave me an angry look and raised his fist, “You flea, what do you think you’re doing?!” Before I could answer I heard running footsteps and quickly turned around to find a few doctors running down the stairs, I quickly got up but before I could run Shizuo grabbed my wrist, “And where do you think you’re going flea? I don’t think you should be leaving.” I looked angrily at him then smiled, “Aw Shizuo-chan do you suddenly care about me? I feel so honoured!” Shizuo freaked a little at that and immediately released my wrist, “Don’t be stupid you bastard, as if that would ever happen!” For some reason I felt a bit upset when he said that, “Wait what?!! Not again first it was the dream and now this?”

   I finally escaped the hospital and made my way home immediately lying down on the sofa. I was shattered because I was so tired, but could it also be because of what Shizuo said, “No, not again he’s appeared into my head yet again! Damn him, always managing to get into my head!” I placed my hands on my head trying to erase Shizuo from my head but it wasn’t happening. Then there was a knock at the door, followed by another few knocks which got harder, and then someone angrily shouting “Flea! Open this damn door now!!” I let out a sigh and hesitantly walked towards the door, opening it to receive Shizuo pushing me to the floor. I was too weak to fight which was annoying for me, but I didn’t mind Shizuo at the moment, “Here we go again with these stupid thoughts, damn you Shizuo!”

    Shizuo looked really angry for some odd reason, he was wearing his usual glasses which hid his eyes, which for some reason I wanted to see, I wanted to see every part of him. I didn’t notice that Shizuo was actually so angry, “Shizuo, what is wrong with you?” “What’s wrong with me more like what’s wrong with you? How could you just leave me at that hospital you little flea, the doctors decided to keep me and then question me about who the hell you are to me and where you might be!” I was shocked I didn’t realise they would question him about it, “Wait, Shizuo did you tell them where I live?!” Shizuo released me and stood up, “No I didn’t, that would just cause a fuss, besides you’re my enemy and only I can beat you up and chase you down!” For some reason after Shizuo said that I smiled and felt all warm inside, is this love? Wait what?!! No way, no, no, no! I was definitely drugged!!

Is this the start of Izaya realising his true feelings for Shizuo? Or is it just the drugs?...

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