The Throne

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The couple could have taken the easy route. They could have used the travelling book or even Jundiin's newfound god powers to transport themselves to Atalwabul but no, instead they decided to take the long route. They went by ship. Mainly it was so they could have longer together. Both knew that their journeys had changed them. They simply weren't the woman they were when they had met. Jundiin was a goddess and Amante had learned to be a Queen. Staring out into the open water in silence told the pair everything. Though they loved each other deeply, their futures simply didn't knit together.

It took a few weeks to get to Atalwabul by boat in that time they had a few mini adventures like seeing a giant sea star and stopping off at a couple of other lands along the way. They had even at one point gotten on the wrong ship and ended up back in Fayre. Eventually though they made it onto the kingdoms shore. Amante had never been to Jundiin's home kingdom before but to Jundiin it was a bitter reminder of the home she had once had. Everything was the same yet somehow different. The air still smelled of spice and of honey but the spice stung the nostrils and the honey was thick and clung to the throat. With her father in charge the kingdom had become a shell of what it once was. It saddened Jundiin to no end. Amante squeezed her lovers hand and the pair took another moment of silence.

Jundiin and Amante were interrupted by a man dressed in traditional Atalwabulian guard clothing. He approached the women and grabbed Amante by the wrist. The woman tried breaking free and Jundiin attempted to help her but she too was grabbed by surprise. "Princess Jundiin, you and your companion need to come with us The Kings order was to take you to him if ever you showed your face." Jundiin could have killed this guard right there and then but instead she went willingly, Amante too remained calm as the two were lead through the busy streets to the palace.

"Jundiin my daughter" King Qasy greeted his daughter. "How I have so missed you" The King snarled clenching his fist on the arm of his throne. "Oh Father I have waited for this moment" Jundiin pretended to be sweet and naive to the tyrannical king. "How so I have longed to see the face of the creature that murdered my sister" Amante looked over at her lover in shock still held by a guard. "Ah so you heard the news about Jamal? Such a shame and such a waste of a suitable heir to the throne of my kingdom. Oh well hopefully she's doing good in the bowels of Tartarus." Jundiin scoured through every realm and afterlife until she found her younger sister sitting on a rug indulging in grapes fed to her by angels. "No actually, Jamal is in a heaven." King Qasy laughed off the reply "and how would you know this?" The King questioned thinking he had the upper hand. "Because I can see through every realm." Jundiin dropped her mortal facade and unleashed all her power becoming the silver goddess she had become the first time she was revealed as a true goddess. Qasy gawped at his daughter as she grew a scorpion tail that hovered over her head with its tip pointed at The King's forehead. "How is this possible?" Qasy chocked. "My mother is the goddess Bastet." Jundiin stated. "Impossible your mother was nothing but a pathetic wench." With them words Bastet herself appeared. "Oh It's not impossible Qasy. It is in fact true." Jundiin looked over at Bastet who was in her preferred cat-human form. She was relieved to see her mother again tinged with regret for leaving her behind in Elysium. Bastet looked over at Jundiin with a look that told her she had no qualms with her daughter.

"Two goddesses stand before you" Amante said walking away from the shocked guard. "Who is this?" Qasy asked finally acknowledging Amante's presence. "I am the future Queen of this kingdom is what I am." King Qasy laughed ignoring the stinger above his face. "You? But you are not even blood. Surely this monstrosity of nature before me is a more likely candidate." Qasy motioned at Jundiin with a look of disgust. "I am giving up my claim to the throne to pass it on to Amante she knows what it is like to be a ruler and upon her coronation after your timely demise she will be Queen Amante the first of Atalwabul and The Clay Realm." Amante smiled with pride over the mention of the no longer existing realm. "I would sooner flood this kingdom then allow a woman to take over." The three women scoffed at the temporary king. "Lovely to see you are still as disgustingly sexist as always Qasy." Bastet hissed at her former lover. "You are a disgrace to this kingdom and it would be thankful to have an honest loving Queen at its helm." Jundiin smiled over at Amante knowing she would be the perfect queen. "Never in the history of Atalwabul has a woman been Queen." Jundiin laughed at the King's disregard for progression "then who would you have succeed you, you had your nephew Sharun and his mother banished, your brother is dead. You only had myself and Jamal and you have already sent one of us to heaven." Qasy narrowed his eyes in response. "Any man would be better than that b.." before Qasy could finish his sentence Jundiin struck the man right between the eyes killing him instantaneously.

Jundiin, Amante and Bastet stood staring at the dead kings body limp on his throne. Bastet walked over to the body of her old lover and pried the crown of his head. The three women headed towards the palace balcony where a crowd of curious onlookers had gathered to hear about the princess who had returned to her old kingdom. "Your king is dead" Jundiin declared to the crowd in her human looking form as she took the crown from her mothers hands. "I herby forfeit my crown to my faithful lover and companion Amante." Jundiin placed the crown on Amante's head and smiled at her lover who the crown fit perfectly. "I give you Queen Amante the first of Atalwabul" Jundiin decreed to a stunned crowd. "Boo" the crowd jeered. "We want a King not a woman in charge" a member of the public screamed to the approval of many others. Jundiin stepped back in shock, she had known her father to act this way but had no idea the entire kingdom was the same. Bastet lead Jundiin and Amante back into the palace so the trio could think of a way to get the Atalwabulians of which Amante was meant to rule over to love and accept their new Queen.

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