The Realm Key

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Death led Jundiin through to the afterlife ahead of her was every beast she had slain on her journey. They stared at her without acknowledging her presence. "They are all ready to be returned to the mortal realm" Death claimed motioning their hand to show off all twelve beasts including the goddess Aphrodite who had willingly given her heart to aid Jundiin in her quest. Jundiin looked at the faces of her victims. Thats what they were at the end of the day. Victims. As she looked at every beast she understood how The Realm Key was made. "No" Jundiin spoke with authority. "They shall not go back, it is their souls that make the key." Death turned to take a closer look at Jundiin. "Do you really wish to erase these creatures from everything?" Death asked with a tinge of amusement. "Not all, the snow lion and Aphrodite were nothing but victims of circumstance. If im not mistaken most of these creatures have lived multiple lives." Death nodded in response "that is true." Jundiin stepped closer to the beasts "then why should they get to live again when innocent people like Amante were killed for being made of clay without a proper chance to live free lives?" Death understood what Jundiin was saying and to an extent agreed with the soul. "If you want them to be turned into a key that is your decision Jundiin but how will you leave the afterlife with it?" Jundiin was in no mood to fall for Death's trickery. "The key can unlock gateways to any realm even afterlives there is no struggle." Death laughed in reply slightly disappointed Jundiin did not fall for their trick question.

It didn't take long for the beasts to be turned into the key in fact it was so quick Jundiin hadn't even blinked in the time it happened. The key sat in the palm of Jundiin's hand. It was weightless and just say there as if it was the least important key in the history of everything but this key was the most important key in the history of everything. Jundiin had used her travelling book and replenishing quill to travel across her realm but this key gave her the ability to traverse any realm. Jundiin knew she would be lying if she had said she didn't want to explore all the realms. She had seen them all and look upon them as if looking through a trillion windows at once but looking from a distance was nowhere near the same as travelling to them herself but that was not her goal. She still had to get back Amante and save her home kingdom from her tyrant of a Father. Jundiin knew her mortal self could never cross realms, she would be leaving her spirit behind and stepping into her Goddess skin for good this time and forever. It was a sacrifice she was willing to make. Who wouldn't give up their humanity to become a god? Her only hope was that somehow she could still find a way to be with Amante. There was only one way to find out. Jundiin pushed the key into air and turned it clockwise until a door appeared and unlocked.

Jundiin stepped through the new door feeling more powerful than ever, losing her mortal soul felt as if Jundiin had stepped out of her clothes and was naked beneath. Every mortal aspect of her being fell to the ground as lightly as a feather. The clay afterlife was like a pot. Jundiin stood in the centre of a giant invisible pot and looked on to see hundreds of people standing gawping at her in shock. The Goddess ignored all but one as her eyes landed on Amante the most beautiful in the realm. At first Amante hadn't noticed the being in front of her was her lover but deep down she knew it was. The realm paused as Jundiin and Amante walked towards each other slowly. When they were an inch apart the two kissed causing an astounding array of stars bursting into view. They lit up the sky above and it was with their presence Jundiin knew she was back.

Jundiin and Amante stood on the beach they had met. Their love had destroyed the realm in which Amante had been trapped. Jundiin tried using the key to return to the realm but it no longer existed everyone was back. Not a single golems soul was left behind. "So here you are in the flesh" Jundiin said unsure what to say to the love of her life. Amante looked at Jundiin in both happiness and fear. "Do you still love me?" Amante asked turning to face the sea. "What sort of a question is that? I would never have done any of the things I did if it wasn't to be back in your arms, You got me to where I am just by knowing you were out there somewhere. When I thought you were.." Amante stopped Jundiin "that's not what I meant, I meant do you still love me knowing what I am?" Jundiin laughed and held Amante's hands in hers "you can not choose what you are Amante, just as I can not change what I have become." Amante looked up at Jundiin and giggled "what exactly are you Jundiin I mean you are glowing with power?" Jundiin smiled and whispered in Amante's ear "Im a goddess" Amante found the thought of her lover being a goddess funny. "What are you?" Jundiin asked Amante curious "well I was Queen of the Clay Realm but apparently that no longer exists so now I guess I am just Amante" Amante smiled but Jundiin just stared in curiosity. An idea had entered her mind. "You say you were Queen?" Amante nodded. "They said you were leading the clay people would you like to be a Queen again?" Amante wasn't sure where Jundiin was going with her conversation "I guess I would being a Queen just felt right you know? What would I be becoming Queen of?" Amante asked curiously. "You would be becoming Queen Amante of Atalwabul."

Amante was shocked but allowed the words to repeat in her mind "Queen Amante the first of Atalwabul you mean?" Jundiin nodded and then kissed the future Queen on the lips. "First things first" Jundiin said pulling away from her lover. We have to get my mortal father off the throne."

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