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This contains: Brutal death, obsession, and similar themes

I LIVE for yandere!Zane, so I wrote this. Sorry it's been a while since an update, school has been difficult.

Zane Ro'meave loved Kawaii~Chan Ashida. He drew her all the time and kept pictures of her. He knew what she was doing at anytime he could. When Zane couldn't watch her, he'd think about what she might be doing. Unfortunately, Kawaii~Chan didn't pay much attention to Zane, having her eye on other boys instead. She was rarely without a boyfriend, and always had admirers. Kawaii~Chan Ashida was beautiful, who wouldn't love her? Zane knew that no one loved her like him, though.

Dante Marshall, Kawaii~Chan's current boyfriend. 'How could she even think of dating him?' Zane thought whenever he saw them together. Dante was vulgar, and constantly flirted with other girls. He was one of the worst people on Earth in Zane's eyes, especially for being with Kawaii~Chan and daring to risk hurting her. Anyone who hurt Kawaii~Chan deserved to be hurt ten times worse.

Zane sat on his bed, drawing and thinking about how he would do it. Poison would be the least traceable, but difficult to initiate. Maybe just kill him while he's asleep? Then he might be able to get Gene too. He couldn't strangle him, he would still have time to scream... Maybe this one will just have to be improvised. That's alright.

3:46 AM. Zane has a small knife in his jacket pocket just in case something went wrong. He had already opened the window when he got home from school that day, as to not make any sound while leaving. Now all that's left is jumping out of a second story window. Zane knew it was stupid to be scared of the drop when he was going to kill someone (two if he's lucky), but getting hurt himself wasn't in the plan. That's when he noticed a tree that was just close enough to his window. Zane climbed up onto the windowsill and studied the tree for a second more before jumping to it, holding his breath. The tree didn't shake much, thankfully. Zane took a deep breath before climbing down, careful to avoid any branches.

His feet hit the ground with a thud. Now to walk over to Dante's house. Of course he knew where it was, it takes a while of stalking to be so sure of a murder. Down the street, left down the block, seventh house on the right. As Zane started on his way, he thought of how Kawaii~Chan would feel if Dante didn't come back to school. She would be upset, but not for too long. Zane could make her happy again. He continued to think about her. Kawaii~Chan was so kind, and sweet. It's unfortunate this has to happen.

Seventh house on the right. This is actually going to happen... One step closer to her... Zane turned to front door knob. Might as well try, right? To his surprise, it was open. They should really start locking it... What if a murderer snuck in? Zane walked in cautiously, looking for any potential weapons. An umbrella? Too dull. A knife from the kitchen? Too much noise would be made looking for it. Maybe there's something upstairs.

As he slowly climbed up the stairs, his heart began to race. Not out of anxiety, but excitement. Dante would finally die. When he got to the top of the steps, his eyes lit up. It was as if Irene herself had come down personally to help. A metal baseball bat, leaning against the doorframe of what Zane presumed to be Dante's room. He picked it up and spun it in his hands before slowly opening the door. Sure enough, Dante was lying on his bed fast asleep. Zane took the opportunity to look around. Nothing interesting... A clock on the desk. 4:02 AM. Zane held the bat tighter and turned around to look at his target. Dante didn't look as horrible when he was asleep...

Zane tensed up when he heard Dante's skull crack, but swung again. And again. Again. Again. Again. Blood-soaked pillows and sheets. Silver bat stained red. Zane made sure Dante wasn't even trying to breath anymore before leaving the room.

Gene Marshall. Zane had admired him for years, and now it was time to kill him. Which door was his? The one at the end of the hall or the one right next to Dante's? Zane opened the door closest to him. There were dark blue lights on the walls, as well as many posters. Definitely Gene's room. Gene wasn't in the room though...

A sticky note was left next to the window. 'Left to go with Sasha+Zenix to the movies and hang out after, meet you at school tomorrow.' Dammit. Looks like it's only Dante tonight. Maybe Zane could do it another time... He sighed and left the room, slightly disappointed.

As he walked out of the Marshall's house, bloodied bat in hand, the sun was beginning to rise. Good thing their house wasn't far from Zane, he wanted to be home before anyone woke up. The gruesome scene that he has just caused was finally catching up to Zane. He stared at the metal bat. It was for Kawaii~Chan. Zane Ro'Meave would do anything for her. Blackmail. Stalk. Steal. Murder. Whatever it took to have her for himself. Dante didn't deserve to live. He was just in the way. Zane looked away from the bat.

5:37 AM, Zane walked through the front door instead of sneaking back in. No one would see him. He went up the stairs to his bedroom, but was stopped by the sound of a door opening. Vlyad's door. The youngest brother stepped out of his room and his eyes widened when he realized Zane's physical state. Blood spatters on his mask and jacket. The bat occasionally dripping blood onto the ground. Zane turned to look at Vlyad and held a finger to his mouth before disappearing into his room. Just a final 'fuck you, no one will believe you if you say anything.' Vlyad sighed sadly and walked down the steps, tears pricking his eyes.

Zane dropped the bat on the ground and lazily grabbed his uniform from the closet. As he dressed, he thought of how Gene would react when he found out the only person keeping him from just quitting it all was dead. Murdered at the same time he was out with his friends, ignorant. Zane sat on his bed after he was ready and thought. That's all he ever did, thinking and fantasising. He thought of Kawaii~Chan. He couldn't wait to see her at school. 

(1103 words!!)

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