Chapter 13

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Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying the story so far :)

I have decided, now that I am further along in the story that I can start doing twice a week uploads. So here is the second upload for this week. 

I will continue to upload on Mondays a 8pm and then again on Thursdays at 8pm as well.

Hope you enjoy!!



I was in my room just about a minute, about to take off Wolfe's shirt when the door burst open.

I gasped and turned to see who it was, pulling the shirt back down over me.

"Get out of my brother's shirt. Now." Hunter growled standing ominously in the doorway.

"Get out of my room," I countered, making sure that the shirt entirely covered me . . . well as much as it could.

"Take it off, Maya. I am not messing around," He closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Get. Out." I said slowly. "I will not strip in front of you," I scoffed. Goddess, he was so infuriating. One minute he was being mean and crude, next minute he was being unintentionally sweet, and the next he was being mean again and now he's . . . What? Jealous? I didn't know. I couldn't keep track of it and I honestly didn't want to. That may have made me dramatic, but I didn't care. Being around Hunter was turning me into this person I didn't want to be. I was becoming snappy and rude and sassy. That's not who I was . . . well, at least not to strangers

"Damn it, Maya, why are you being so difficult?" He growled stepping into the room and closing the door behind him.

"Difficult? You are the king of difficult," I glared at him.

"Take it off," He ignored my statement. He wasn't really even looking at me. He was looking through me. He was looking at his brother's shirt and that was it.

"No," I said sharply crossing my arms over my chest.

"No?" His eyes finally looked up and met mine.

"N. O." I spelled it out.

"Fine," He grumbled under his breath and then he moved so quick I didn't have time to respond.

In the blink of an eye, he grabbed me and set me on the desk, pushing me back against the wall. He had me trapped between his body and the wall.

"Hunter," I complained and shoved at his chest. "Back off. Now."

He grabbed my wrists in his hand effectively stopping my attempt at a fight. He pulled them over my head pressing them against the wall. I pulled and fought, but it didn't matter. No matter how hard I tried, my wrists did not budge. He didn't even look like he was putting in an effort to hold my hands there.

Then his other hand moved to the edge of the shirt, resting on my thigh and his lips moved to my ear, "Take off the shirt, Princess, or I will take it off for you," He growled against my ear.

I tried to fight it, but my body reacted without my warning and a shiver of pleasure ran down my spine. I took in a deep breath. He was not going to win again. "No," I said with more defiance than I had before.

"You sure about that?" He moved away from my ear so that his eyes met mine. I was frozen. What was I going to say? He gripped my waist under the t-shirt and quickly pulled me to the edge of the desk, hitting my core hard against his pelvis. I gasped and pulled my hands again trying to get out of his hold.

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