-Ch 4: Light crevices with dark corners.

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CHAPTER FOUR- Light crevices with dark corners.

-Ashley Dawson-

Outside, the sun was rising. The night was finally enveloping itself back into slumber. The rays of sunlight were warm, but they were dominated by a cool autumn breeze that ran wispy lines around the air. It was like a children's colouring book, with the abstract drawings of breeze that fluttered the pages of my book, lifting them up at the corners. My legs were cold in feeble pyjama shorts, but I didn't care. Carefully, I clasped my fingers around the ceramic mug and lifted it to my lips. I downed the rest of the heavenly beverage feeling the warmth run like ecstasy through my veins. Somewhere, the low hum of a lawnmower was sounding, slipping in the undertones of silence. But nonetheless the not quite silence was tranquil as the world slowly woke up to face the day.

The plopping sound of water was faint from the bottom of the garden where Niall and Harry had spent pretty much the whole day trying to install a pump for the pond a few months ago. I smirked at the memory, how they refused the instruction booklet, and just to prove their independence, had burnt it. Therefore resulting in taking a not-so-secretive trip back to the hardware store to get another.

The sun was just peeking through the chinks in the treeline that framed the bottom of the garden, but it was barely visible in the distance. The dip made it more prominent. It was that nice type of sunrise, where the air was cold, the light bright and the grass gleaming with virginal dew. It was the type that was perfect for watching in silencing, a coffee in one hand, a book in another as you watched the world wake up before you. It was so pure and igneous; it made me feel like life was beautiful. Especially when a few hours ago I had been so convinced it was a horrible and cruel thing. And it was still, but like everything, it had it's good and bad sides.

In the distance, a good few miles away, there was a cry from a bird. The way it echoed told me that it was probably at the river. For a moment I wondered what it was screeching about. And if it was good or bad. Maybe it was hungry, and as the algid autumn began to set in it didn't have any food, or maybe it was calling to a mate, partnering for the winter. Because it's always better to be standing together, you're more vulnerable when you're standing alone.

As if this thought triggered cue, the balcony door swung open behind me and I felt a small smile spread over my lips in one, smooth and simple transaction. I didn't have to look to know it was Niall and that he was about to make some quipping comment about my early rise. I kept my eyes on the sunlight though, the way it projected through everything in it's prominent beams, and in a way I kind of wondered, that if they really tried, everything could push through in the end.

I was extracted from my thoughts as I felt his fingers fold over mine, cloaking my demeanour and contents in even more ecstasy. Sliding my gaze to the left I took in his sleepy features and wondered just what time it was. I smiled at his clear fresh wake and he gave me a sarcastic one back, sensing the hidden smirk lurking in my simper.

"Someone's tired."

"Yeah well I would still be asleep if the wind wasn't so fucking cold through the window you left open," Niall joked rolling his eyes playfully.

I was about to smirk, to make a sarcastic remark back, but then I realised I had left no windows open, or opened any since yesterday morning when I chucked a spider outside, (horrible experience) and I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"What window?" Niall shrugged running his hand over his hair and smoothing it over, but it didn't really work out that way since it was such a mess.

I smiled slightly at the action finding his bed hair undeniably cute. But his statement was confusing me nonetheless. Unless I had forgotten, but I usually had a decent memory.

Capture My Heart (BK3: Niall Horan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora