-Ch 25: Laziness + Moods.

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CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE: Laziness + Moods.

For a minute I just lay there. Well I had no option really, since moving would surely wake Niall up. I sighed and pressed my eye-lids shut before opening them again, and repeating this a few times. I moved slightly, and then cast a glance to Niall to see if this had disturbed him, he took and exhaled a heavy breath, but didn’t stir.

There was a dizzy sort of pain in my head, but it wasn’t huge, and it wasn’t really a hangover, not a real one. I could remember last night clearly, nothing was really a blur to me. A lot of things had happened, I’d gotten into some stupid fight with Mallory that wasn’t really a fight more of a throwback of sarcastic comments. I’d did the foolish thing and drank away my problems, but they didn’t really go away, they never really did. I’d received anonymous texts, making weird relative yet subtly not relative comments. And Niall had lied to me. Quite a productive night, I would say.

It was late morning, not early, as the sun was squeezing through the roughly pulled over curtains. It was harsh sunlight that highlighted the dust swimming in the air. Blankets were strewn across the floor from last night when Niall had carelessly plucked one from the cupboard, our energy levels were so low we didn’t even make it upstairs.

I opened my eyes again, and sat up a little, but not very much, using Niall as a support, I didn’t really have much else since I was basically deadlocked by his limbs. I stared straight at his face, his lips fallen parted as he breathed slowly, his hair scruffily sticking up in all directions. He looked so innocent, I couldn’t picture those lips forming the lie he had told to me last night, or the many small lies, that really built up to the same picture. I carefully plucked my arm from underneath myself, and lifted my hand so it hovered by his delicate face, he did look delicate, peaceful, but most of all innocent. Lying was something I’d gotten kind of good at, it was a skill, you had to acquire it over time. I didn’t think Niall lied often, for the wrong reasons that is, but he was so good at it last night, so good that I might have just believed him if I didn’t have the evidence seen with my own eyes to prove it wrong.

I used my thumb to brush his hair away from his forehead, a small smile turning at the corners of my lips as I played with it. I wasn’t sure why I had so much affection for the one person I thought I could rely on to tell me the truth, lying to me, but I did. I didn’t want to question it, because if being lied to and accepting it stopped the stress and loneliness of a fight, then I was willing to go with it for now.

I decided that I couldn’t really lie here anymore with a headache like this and no satisfactory factor of having painkillers in my system, and it was debatable that there was hunger lurking in my gut too. So I began to slowly sit up, and attempt to tangle myself away from Niall. The blanket we had draped over us during our sleep was already on the floor anyway, so it was just a matter of not waking him. I wanted to talk to him, be with him, I did, but he needed sleep as much as I did. I didn’t know what he was doing last night, who he was with and why, and I didn’t really want to. I wanted to know why he had lied to me, of course I did, but I didn’t really have the energy, or the motivation to endure an argument. If pretending everything was okay and perfect was what it took to be happy, then that was what I would do, for now.

“Wait…” Niall groaned, startling me as I tried to pry myself away from him. I stopped mid movement and carefully turned my neck to look at him, he still had his eyes closed but a small smile was playing across his lips. “A few more minutes.” He requested, and lifted his arms; encircling them around me and pulling me back down against him. I could have fought back; there were a lot of opportunities in which I could have done that in the last 24 hours, not allowed him to make all the decisions, not do what he said, or simply accept what he said, but I didn’t.

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