Chapter 37 - Visitor & Curious Title

Start from the beginning

With that said, Sana and I gave the fox-king a tour of our city, which is still unnamed. He was really impressed with our system of separating everything into districts, but also concerned about the backlash we'll get for not having a noble district.

"Well, when you see the amenities that we have available for the people who live here, then you'll understand why there's no noble district." (Sora)

Guiding him to the residential district, he was in awe with the large buildings that were put up as apartments. I made sure to explain the system that we were working on for the security of the people who live here, allowing only the people who are registered to be living here, will be allowed to enter the building, and only the people who live in a unit will be able to enter that unit.

While explaining that, I brought him inside the apartment building, and guided him upstairs to the first available room that was not currently occupied.

"Ohhhhh this looks quite comfortable, and relaxing. Is this available in all of the 'units'?" (Sebastion)

"Yes, your highness. The furniture and whatnot are available to everyone in every unit number. They also all come with a shower/bathtub, toilet, and sink." (Sora)

"Huh? What is a shower? It sounds interesting, so I'd like to see what this shower is." (Sebastion)

"Yes sir. It's basically like taking a bath, except instead of sitting in a bath, you stand in the bath while water is sprayed on you. This allows you to not have to soak yourself in the same water that you clean yourself with." (Sora)

"Interesting, and how does this device work?" (Sebastion)

"Well, your highness. You have these two handles right here, and the blue one pours out cold water, and the red one pours out warm water. You can use the both of them to adjust the temperature that you want the water to be. Then you pull this knob out until you hear a bang from the faucet. This blocks water from coming through this bottom faucet, and allows the water to travel up the piping to the showerhead before spraying out. The benefit is, you use less time, can get cleaner, and you don't have to fill the tub with it. However, if you want to have a bath instead of a shower, then you just let the water come out of the bottom faucet, and use this wooden ball to plug the drain so the tub doesn't empty itself." (Sora)

"This is amazing! Can I have one of these for my castle?!" (Sebastion)

"Well, it's complicated to make, but I suppose I can give the blueprints to you, for compensation of course." (Sora)

"Name your price!" (Sebastion)

"It's simple really. I've mentioned that only most of the facilities have been constructed right? Well, the last building I'm putting up is going to be an academy that will be placed right in the center of the city. I'll be in need of instructors to teach the students when they start enrolling...along with students to enroll." (Sora)

"Of course, I think I see where you're coming from. You want me to promote your city and its academy when it is completed correct? But, how will I know that you've finished the construction? It's a week minimum to reach our fox-clans city." (Sora)

"There will be no need to worry about that. You can have this. It's a specially crafted paper that I developed with my researcher, Corhn. It's one of two pieces of paper. You hold the receiver, which means if I write something on the other paper, then the writing will appear on that paper. I'll give you a transmitter as well, since we haven't tested if it can work across long distances yet, so I'd like to use you as the guinea pig for our experiment." (Sora)

"Did you say Corhn? The Artifice Sage himself? I thought he based himself in Serali?" (Sebastion)

"He did, but chose to move to our developing city when I was given a recommendation by Amdagaer for a custom project. Then when old man Gaer learned that Corhn was moving here, he chose to come along as well." (Sora)

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