Phantomhive X Trancy Pt. 15

Start from the beginning

"Sirs, your food is getting cold." Sebastian yelled so they could hear him.

"Let's go." Ciel said.

"Coming, coming~" The blonde snickered.

"Alois, what it Sebastian heard you?" Ciel asked blushing.

"Then, good for him." Alois kissed Ciel deeply.

They had breakfast and talked.

Francis say in his room crying quietly. 'Everyone hates me...'

Sebastian knocked on the door.

"Go away!" Francis replied angrily.

"Francis it's me." The butler replied.

"I don't care..." He said unhappily.

The crow demon unlocked the door and walked in. "Please come eat."

"No!" Francis turned his back on Sebastian.

Sebastian gently picked him up and carried him down. "Let's go."

Francis fought him. "Let me go! Let me down! Mommy!"

The crow demon remained calm the entire time. "Please sir, this is absurd." He sat Francis at the table.

Alois had been feeding Ciel. "My princess you are so sloppy~" He teased.

"How dare you blame me, I'm fabulous~" Ciel started laughed.

Alois chuckled. "Ah, yes of course." He kissed the uke gently.

Ciel swallowed and tongue kissed. "My prince~"

"My princess~" Alois tongue kissed back.

Both had a boner. They finished eating and ran to Ciel's room.

"Ah~! Alois~!" The uke called out

"Yes, that's it dear~" The seme called back.

Francis looked at Sebastian. "Wat's going on?"

"It's nothing important." He replied, cleaning the table.

Francis hugged him. "I love you~" He said trying to be seductive.

Sebastian gave him a what-the-hell-are-you-doing look. "Sir?"

Francis didn't understand. Ciel had kissed Alois when he said it, so why didn't Sebastian?

'I just want him to kiss my head and snuggle with me.' Francis looked into his eyes and kissed him gently.

Sebastian blushed slightly. 'What the hell?!' He gently pushed Francis back as he was about to use tongue.

"Daddy? Did I do some sing wong?" Francis asked confused.

"You can't kiss me like that." Sebastian said.

"Why?" Francis asked.

"Because, I'm your father." Sebastian replied.

Francis nodded. "Well wat about dis?" He gently rubbed Sebastian's member.

He just happened to touch the sweet spot. Sebastian let out a small and quiet moan.

'I think he likes his.' Francis thought to himself as he continued to rub.

Sebastian had a boner. 'Damn I'm not in love with him, but it feels so good!' He thought to himself.

Francis giggled as Sebastian moaned again. 'What if I go faster?' He did.

Sebastian moaned louder and threw his head back blushing. "Fr-Francis~"

He was about to say "stop." But, he moaned. 'Damn!' The crow demon couldn't move, every touch felt wonderful. He closed his eyes and imagined Claude instead. "Yes~! Claude~!" He moaned, not thinking.

Francis stopped. "Daddy, whose Claude?"

Sebastian flinched. "What do you mean?"

"You said 'Claude' instead of 'Francis'."

"I-I did?" Sebastian said nervously.

Francis nodded.

"Please wait, I have to make a call." The crow demon ran to the phone. He dialed the Trancy Manor.

Claude picked up. "Hello Trancy Manor, the butler speaking."

Sebastian's heart fluttered. He was on his lust stage and had loved Claude for years now.

"It's Sebastian, may I talk with you?" He asked.

"Indeed, all my chores are finished. Are yours?" Claude asked back.

"Yes." Sebastian said quietly glancing at Francis.

"What time would you like to come over?" The spider demon asked.

"Two hours?" Sebastian asked nervously.

"Sure, I'll see you then." Claude hung up.

Sebastian's heart thundered. "I could do so many things with him~" The crow demon accidentally said out loud.

Claude was on his lust stage as well. "He'll be all mine~" The spider demon accidentally said out loud.

Francis looked at him. "Wat do chu mean?"

Hannah "happened" to be walking past. "Shall I prepare the basement?" She taunted.

"Yes~...wait what?" He noticed Hannah and flinched.

She chuckled.

He glared. "Female demons don't have a lust stage and you know it. Now stop. And, I swear if you embarrass me in front of him. There'll be a lot more blood on your next period."

She blushed angrily. "Bastard!"

"Whore!" He blushed angrily as well.

"You suck!" She yelled.

"You swallow!" He yelled back.

"You eat dick!" Hannah continued.

"ONLY SEBASTIAN'S!" Claude blushed dark, soon realizing what he said.

Hannah giggled. "I win."

Claude looked away. "Shut it."

Back to the Phantomhive Manor.

Sebastian gave Francis a bowl of oobleck, (corn starch and water). He dyed it yellow, Francis' favorite color.

'That should distract him.'

Francis smiled. "Why do I only keep it in the bowl?" He asked.

"Because, that's how it keeps it's powers." Sebastian replied.

"Neat." Francis giggled playing with it.

Sebastian kissed his head. "And, remember when you're done to wash your hands." He set a cloth under the bowl. "And, only play with it in here. Also, don't throw it at anyone."

Francis nodded. "Okay Daddy."

"Promise?" Sebastian asked feeling childish.

"Yes." Francis replied.

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