Chapter 28: Camping Trip

Start from the beginning

Midnight: "You and your friends can never truly defeat me!"

She snaps her fingers and Sci-Twi's room disintegrate along with you and the harem, who screamed.

Sci-Twi: "(Y/N)!"

Midnight: "Midnight Sparkle's a part of you! I'll always be there waiting in the darkest shadows of your mind! I'll be back, Twilight! And this time, I won't stop until I have all the magic!"

Sci-Twi: "No!"

After the dream sequence.

Sci-Twi: "Stop!"

(Y/N): " Sci Twi WAKE UP!"

Pinkie: "We can't stop, silly! We're not there yet!"

Sunset: "Hey, are you okay?"

Sci-Twi: "Heh. I'm fine."

Sunset was about to say something but she was cut off by Pinkie.

Pinkie: "We are gonna have so much fun! We're gonna roast marshmallows and eat marshmallows and sleep on marshmallow pillows!"

Rainbow: "Yeah, probably not gonna do that."

Pinkie: "Maybe you're not."

Pinkie grab a bog of marshmallows and nuzzles it with her cheek. You then turn to Kevin and Ben, who is in the seat ahead of you.

(Y/N): "Hey guys."

Kevin and Ben turn to you.

Kevin and Ben: "Yeah?"

(Y/N): "Yay or nay on using a bag of marshmallows as a pillow."

Ben: "Who would say no to that, it's the best idea ever!"

Rook: "It will be fun to spend a week eating hot s'moes."

You then turn to Rook

(Y/N): "There called s'mores rook"

Rook: "Right, S'mores."

Celestia: "Attention, students, we're almost there. But before we arrive, we just wanted to say how proud we are of you for raising enough money to go on this class field trip."

Luna: "When we were your age, we made some of our favorite memories in these woods, and we're sure you will, too."

Celestia: "Now who's excited for Camp Everfree?!"

Everyone cheered while Sci-Twi smiles and look out her window, you then hold against her body as she rest her head on your chest.

(Y/N): "At least there isn't any singing this time"

Cadence: "Good idea (Y/N)!"

(Y/N):"ugh why do I even bother"

The students all cheer and start singing to the camp and you reluctantly brought a guitar with you and you start playing.

Ben: "That was awesome!"

Gwen: "I didn't know Kevin can sing."

Kevin: "We've friends for years, there's some things that you don't know about me yet."

Everyone smiles warmly as the bus pulls over into the camp, everyone then grab their luggage and take in the scenery.

Fluttershy: "Isn't Camp Everfree just beautiful? I can't wait until we have our first nature walk."

(DISCONTINUED) Cold hearted love: MLP EG harem x male necrofriggian reader Where stories live. Discover now