Sixth Sense

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The Flashes were already circling the chrysalis when the bioship landed, and my first feeling was relief. It was getting smaller, Luthors idea was working. But the was only a fleeting thought.

I've always had this, sixth sense of sorts. Not a power from a meta-gene, believe me, I've been tested. But, I have always had the ability to tell when something bad was going to happen, with scary accuracy. Whether it be predicting an Arkham breakout or calling Bruce at the last second because, Batman get out of there the buildings gonna blow, I can feel when somethings about to happen, and generally, tell what's going to happen.

I'd had this nagging feeling all day, but I figured, world-ending crisis, it makes sense that my sixth sense was going bonkers. But watching the lighting around the speedsters, I felt the bad thing was now.

Blue Beetle only confirmed my suspicions when I overheard his conversation with Scarab. "Cease, cease what?"

I immediately knew.


Honestly, I doubt I had ever run faster in my life. When your best friend's life is on the line, you do crazy things you never dreamed you could do. Granted, we had been anything but best friends lately and I will admit that the deterioration of our relationship is my fault. I screwed up a lot of things with this mission, and whatever punishment would come, I deserved.

But Wally, he didn't deserve this. He was supposed to live happily ever after with Artemis. Graduate from college, get a job somewhere, teaching physics. He had a life ahead of him, and now he may die because of my stupid plan.

But he wouldn't.

As the lightning was about to strike him for the last time, I jumped. The lightning set every nerve on fire and I couldn't hold in the scream as I felt myself slipping away from this world.

Goodbye everyone, its been fun.

They say he was dead before he hit the ground.

That didn't stop Barbara Gordon from performing desperate CPR on the man she loved. Her voice breaking when she pronounced him dead.

It didn't stop Tim Drake from shaking him, from insisting it was another trick. Another ploy to send someone undercover. The tears that spilt because he knew. He could feel when someone was really dead, but it was easier to say that his big brother was faking it, than that he was actually gone.

The ride home in the Bioship was silent, a body in the back reminding them that all victory comes at a cost.

The silence was probably the heaviest part, making conversation had always been Nightwing and Kid Flash's specialty. But Kid Flash as was numb, staring over at the empty seat, and Nightwing was... gone. Finally, the silence was broken by M'gann, her voice shaking, barely a whisper, "What are we going to tell Batman?"

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