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Max's point of view.

Alex still hasn't come back from the library. I'm not gonna lie, the apartment feels really lonely without him here. In the past hour I've kept myself busy cleaning our room a bit. I swear Alex is the messiest person you'll ever meet.

While I tidy his desk a bit, I find a little crystal container filled of lilac nail polish. Taking it in my hands and after examining it for a good minute I decide to have a seat and open it.

I've never painted my nails before, but I have to admit, the color is really pretty.

I'll be home in 30

Okay :)

Running out of ideas of what to do at home I decide to just have a nap until Alex gets here.

Alex's point of view.

After a really busy morning I'm willing to get home and spend the rest of the day with Max. I feel bad for leaving without saying goodbye today, so I want to make it up to him.

When I'm just a couple of streets away from our apartment, I cross paths with a tall dude that stares at me until I'm unable to see him anymore.

"Hey faggot!" His deep voice yells from behind me, but I don't turn back. "Those are some nice rainbow socks, did you wear them to your pointless parade?"

Swallowing all the insults flowing through my head, I remain silent.

"You're not gonna fight back? Huh? Piece of shit?"

"Leave me alone" I say while I keep walking.

"But where's the fun in that?" I hear him chuckle and his footsteps get closer to mine. "Let's to go an alley and I'll pay you to suck my dick, sounds great?"

"What the fuck man? If you are so manly and straight then stop messing with me" I attack back.

"Wow the little princess has a temper."

"Fuck off." I hiss, now turning to look at him in the face.

"Say that again."

"Fuck off." I repeat, earning myself a punch in the face. I stumble backwards and he keeps pushing me until my back hits the wall of a building. When I open my eyes, we are in an alley.

"Anything else you wanna say, cock sucker?"

"That makes me look like a vampire." I joke and he laughs in a humorless way.

"I'm so beating the shit out of you."

"I thought you wanted me to suck your dick. Or are you into bdsm?"

After those words, his fist collides with my stomach and I bend at the sudden pain. Not wanting to pull up with the guy's shit anymore, I get all my strenght to kick him in the balls with my right knee. Then I start running until I get home.

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