Chapter 25 - Gwen's POV

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I feel numb. I always knew my sister did not care for me, but for her to stoop this low and get engaged to the man she always knew I had a colossal crush on behind my back (and wait until I was out of the country no less), just shows that she really must hate me. I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that she could do something like this, and without even telling me! The betrayal sweeps like a fire throughout me, as I know that my whole family most likely knew and they did not bother to tell me. Do I really mean so little to them? Moreover, how many familial occasions will I have to attend with my sister and the man I always loved all over each other? Will I have to attend their wedding? Be a bridesmaid? Oh my, it is going to be such a big and splendid event with paparazzi hovering around the event like wasps, which means it must run perfectly so my fake smile game must be on point.

Honestly, I feel somewhat shell-shocked. Burnt out. Exhausted with the emotional stress of it all.

"Hey are you ok?" Torryn suddenly whispers worriedly. "You look like you're going to cry, pass out or breakdown. Perhaps all three."

"I... I need... need to go home." I tell her, struggling to breathe with the stress of it all.

"Of course. I'll drive you now." Torryn replies, obviously sensing that something is quite wrong and I need to be alone.

She whispers an excuse to the teacher before pulling me outside, as the first tears start to fall. I hardly remember the drive home, only refusing to talk when Torryn asks what is wrong. When we finally pull up at the mansion I promise Torryn I will call her later before running inside, managing to avoid everyone and heading straight to my room for a good old cry. I haphazardly shut all of the curtains so that I can hide in complete darkness, and ignore my buzzing phone, which is probably just Susanne and Cohen wondering where I am. I hope that Torryn will have the insight to let them know I have gone home 'sick'. I bury myself under my blue silk sheets and simply cry. I cry for all the loneliness I have endured over the years, the betrayal of my family – the people who are always supposed to be there for me, and the realisation that my affection for Tyrian is officially over. He is not the white knight I always thought him to be.

A little later on my tears have run out, but I still lie sniffling in my bed, finding comfort in the solace of being alone. Susanne knocks on my door, but I tell her I need to be alone for a while, and then later one of the maids tries to come in to inform me that dinner is ready. I decide not to come down though, as I have no appetite, and instead want to just stay in my dark room and sulk about the unfairness of it all.

I must fall into an unsettled sleep after that, as I am awakened when there is a gentle knock at my door. I pretend I do not hear it, and stay dead still, when I hear the door being pushed open, meaning a flood of light sweeps into the room with the person's entry.

"Gwen? Are you awake?" A soft voice whispers, and I instantly know it is Cohen.

I do not reply, but my lips curl into an involuntary smile, as I know he cares about me. At least someone does.

"Gwen? Please reply, I need to know you are ok." He pleads, turning the light on and then moving to sit on the bed besides me.

"I'm fine Cohen." I sigh, knowing I have to move as I have a massive itch on my ear begging for my attention, and sit up a little so that he can only see my puffy eyes.

"Gwen, have you been crying?" He gasps, pulling the covers back to expose my sadness. "What on earth has happened?" He questions tenderly, using one hand to cup my face and the other to squeeze my hand supportively.

"Nothing... I am fine." I sigh embarrassedly. I know I must look terrible right now with a runny nose, bloodshot, swollen eyes and running makeup.

"No you're not, please – just tell me what's wrong." Cohen pleads, and he looks so genuinely worried about me I cannot help but spill the truth.

"Well... I just found out today – and from a magazines no less, that my sister is engaged to the man I have l-loved since I was a child." I reveal sadly.

Cohen pulls back from me in shock, looking like I just punched him. He blinks, and then swallows before replying.

"L-love? You're in love with someone?" He questions, his hand falling limply from my cheek.

"Well, I thought I was. I know now that it was just infatuation... he was kind of the only guy I ever knew before coming here." I half-chuckle embarrassedly. "What hurts the most is the way my family have always known how I felt about him, but they didn't bother to tell me he was dating my sister."

"So you don't love him?" Cohen questions apprehensively.

"No I don't." I confirm, feeling some of the pain lift from my chest as I know nothing will ever happen between Tyrian and I. My sister can have him for all I care; I do not want him romantically anymore.

"Good." He nods, looking pleased. "But I am sorry Gwen. You deserve the world. A family who knows how special and - and wonderful you are. Also someone to love you more then anything in the world and treat you like the princess you are." Cohen announces, causing a deep fiery blush to conquer my pale cheeks.

"Well... What if I already found someone?" I ask shyly.

"Y-you have? Do I know him? It's not Finnick is it? Because I swear I will-." Cohen starts, looking maddened by my revelation. A shimmer of hurt flashes in his eye, making me want to hold him and kiss it all better.

"Actually Cohen... you know him very well." I admit as I crawl up onto my knees, placing my hands on his shoulders and looking him right in the eye. I try to keep up my confident façade, although I twist my lower lip between my teeth anxiously.

A smile blooms onto Cohen's face as he realises what I am implying.

With a wolfish smile, Cohen places his hands on my waist and pulls me in with one swift motion so that I collapse onto his lap. My heart rate increases and my breathing fastens, as Cohen and I are now so close our noses are nearly touching. My arms relax to loop around his neck, and Cohen coaxes my legs to wrap around his waist, meaning we are joined together close as can be.

"Well, I know someone who likes you that you know very well too." Cohen whispers hotly, running his nose along my cheek before playfully biting on my ear, causing me to whimper slightly.

He pulls back smirking, leaving me in a daze.

"Really?" I ask breathlessly when I gather my thoughts.

"Really...." He murmurs, before focusing on my lips and leaning in slowly, claiming mine with his own.

Eek really love this chapter guys!!


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