Sabrina Stark

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Full name: Sabrina Rose Stark

Nicknames/Aliases: Sabe, Princess Sabrina

Birthday and literary age span: Not specified - birth to nineteen

Status: Alive

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Eye color: Green with brown specks

Hair color: Black

First words spoken: "Playing with daddy's toys." - Chapter 10, Love Doesn't Last Forever

Last words spoken: "I have a twin to catch up with and you two have unresolved issues. Good luck." - Epilogue, Love Doesn't Last Forever

Quote (not from story): "Okay. Let's clear one thing up before we continue: you are an idiot and I am superior."

Significant other: Victor Strange

Marital status: Dating

Family: Anthony "Tony" Stark - Father  Loki Laufeyson - Mother  Angelica Paige Lokidottir - Twin sister  Casper Elliot Stark - Younger brother

Powers: Possess magic, working Iron Man suit

Abilities: None

Books they make an appearance in: Love Doesn't Last Forever

Fandom: Marvel comics

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