Chapter 19: The Battle (part 3)

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Kakarot only gazes at me blankly for a few moments until he flashes me a gigantic grin. I almost want to smack the shit out of him when he gives me a thumbs up.

"Well, I trust you Vegeta. I'm sure whatever plan you have will succeed. And if not, we're fin-"

"Oh shut up Kakarot!" I retort. I point at the two thrones that stick out in plain view below.

"Do you see those?" I ask.

"Yeah. What about them?" the Third-Class responds. 

"Bulma planted a bomb on one of them. It's powerful enough to blow up a good portion of this planet."

Kakarot sighs as his lips are drawn into a skeptical line. "I don't think that's strong enough to destroy them."

"I know that Kakarot," I bark. "We're going to use that bomb's power to trap the two of them in the God's cube."

His eyes widen when he realizes how brilliant my plan is. "Y-You're a genius Vegeta! I'll get the cube and transport it at a distance away. Is there anything else you want me to do?"

I nod. "Get Little Baldie to stand by the Cube. The two of us will need to go all out if we're going to capture them."

"Alright," Kakarot says. He places two fingers upon his forehead and vanishes from the scene. 

Amendial and Yuna notice that Kakarot is gone immediately because they turn to me with sneers on their faces. Yuna stifles a laugh as she takes a few steps toward me boldly.

"That's some friend you have there Vegeta. Even he wanted you to die alone," she remarks.

I cross my arms and chuckle as well. "Perhaps."

Yuna raises one of her hands as magic coats her body. A dozen spears float behind her with the intent to kill, but that disgusting Amendial blocks her partially with his arm.

"What is it?" she inquires. "I'm going to kill him."

"Don't do it. They planned something. If we miscalculate, it will be our demise."

"I see." Yuna stops her attack before facing me once more.

"Vegeta, whatever you're doing isn't going to work. If you surrender now, you can help us wipe out these puny galaxies."

I scoff before rolling my eyes. "Oh for fucks sake, I can't believe I used to be like you guys."

"It isn't a bad idea," Amendial adds. "However, we won't offer it to your friend. He seems too . . .  innocent."

I merely look down at my clothes that are now worn out from the battle. Right now, I'm supposed to be on my first date with Bulma but I have to beat these losers.

Out of the corner of my vision, I see a light shooting up into the sky. I narrow my eyes and see Bulma standing alongside Krillin and that she was the one who shot the flare into the sky. 

Krillin places a steady hand upon one of the walls of the Cube before giving me a wave.

Amendial and Yuna notice how I'm distracted and then turn around to see what I'm looking at. Before they could figure out what's going on, a kamehameha wave suddenly zooms from above and hits them directly. I see Kakarot increasing the power of the attack, and Tien lands about ten feet in front of me.

"Vegeta, cover your eyes!" he yells. 

I hate taking orders from others, but I comply anyways. I feel immense power radiating from the Triclops as he roars out one of his signature moves.

"Solar Flare!" I keep my eyes shut for another minute while I wait for the light to die down. When that time has passed, I cautiously sneak a peak and sigh in relief when the lighting is normal again.

I remember getting ambushed by that damn attack back when I first arrived on Earth, and it still hurts like a bitch when I think about it.

Kakarot lands beside us, and the three of us see only Yuna wailing hysterically upon the newly-made crater in pain. Tien and Kakarot flinch when Amendial lands directly in front of us.

"What a clever move," he compliments. "But it's a good thing this body is instinctively trained to dodge attacks like these. Had I been put into another vessel, I wouldn't have known about this move and would have lost."

Amendial raises an arm as he gathers up energy. "It doesn't matter if you were a supersaiyan today Vegeta. You'd still be a disgraceful little bitch. Now you can finally join your pathetic race in the afterlife. I bid you all farewell."

Before he releases his blast, I charge forward and harshly grab onto the collar of his shirt. Amendial is temporarily alarmed by my action, yet he quickly masks his fear by scowling at me.

"Unhand me!" he declares.

I don't know what the hell came over me. But I do know that I'm fucking tired of this shit. I always work my ass off to be some stupid supersaiyan so that I can beat my idiotic rival who can't even count to ten. 

Fuck this. 

"You know what you ignorant piece of shit! I don't have to be a supersaiyan to defeat you! I'm the fucking Prince of all Saiyans goddammit!" I scream.

As if blinded by my rage, I pull my left arm back before socking directly in the face. And then I use this opportunity to hurl wildly toward the sky.

"Krillin!" I yell. "Do your fucking job!"

"Y-Y-Yes sir!" he responds back. Little Baldie holds onto the cube with his energy and spins a few times to gain momentum. Then he releases the cube, making it fly toward Amendial effortlessly.

Amendial manages to recover and stops in midair. He wipes the blood dripping from the face and glowers in hate for what I've just done.

"I'm going to fucking kill yo-" His threat is cut short when the Cube engulfs him and suddenly descends to the ground. A small quake occurs when the weight of the Cube finally lands.

Amendial finally sees that he's trapped and begins to bang his fists barbarically against the wall in front of him. "No! No!! NO!!!! Damn you Vegeta! Damn you all! You all will pay for this!"

I shake my head as I decide to ignore the drama queen making a scene. I check if Yuna has recovered her sight, but I notice that Bulma has rendered her unconscious and happily hugs her metal rod. Another one of her weapons she must have brought with her. She catches my gaze before blowing me a kiss.

I wink at her and smile cheekily. I am about to fly over to my woman, but Kakarot places a hand upon my shoulder. 

"So what do we do now? They're not dead," he comments.

I laugh as I gesture at the cube. "It's pretty obvious Kakarot."

"What do you mean?"

"We're going to give that wimpy Kai our new present." 



Hey guys! I meant to post Chapter 19 last Saturday, but I wanted to catch up on some sleep. I looked back at my notes and saw that there's only two chapters left now.

If you've enjoyed the story so far, vote and comment about what you like. I'm open to feedback on how to improve as long as it's constructive. I did cut some things out from my original story line, but I like how it played out.

Also I'm going to post Chapters 20 and 21 on this coming Saturday. Chapter 21 probably won't be as long, so I thought it would be better to end the book this month. 

I'm also going to write a new book in the beginning of September, so I'll post more announcements in the near future. Until then, enjoy your week! 💜

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