Chapter 8

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Karen's POV

Oh my God! This is happening, he's here. The man I've been thinking about for days now, is right in my kitchen and about to have breakfast with me. This is happening so fast.

As if you don't want it to happen fast.

My sub-conscious reminded me. Of course I do. It's just that I'm not ready and I don't even know what to say to him.

How do I even look?...OH...MY...GOD...I'm wearing booty shorts and a top barely covering my cleavage and my stomach. Another wave of heat creeper up my neck and I started to feel conscious of my body so I began to pull my shorts down a little but it made no difference. He noticed my actions and piped in immediately.

"You don't have to cover up."

"I know...I just...I just feel conscious of my body that's all."

Why I'm I stammering. Get it together girl.

"But why?" He asked, "You're really beautiful and I feel like saying beautiful might even be an under statement for what you are." He said it with so much honesty that he left me with nothing to say. So I just smiled and started piling up pancakes into a plate.

He's so nice and always knows the right things to say.

He's also dreamy and super hot. You should let him take you over the counter.

"Would you shut up!" I said and immediately covered my mouth when I realized I said it out loud.

"I didn't even say anything." He said with pure confusion written all over his face.

"No, I-I wasn't talking to you...I was just...Uhm..."

Go ahead and tell him you were talking to your subconscious. How would you look saying that.

"Talking to your mind I guess," he said breaking into a smile, "Its fine, I do it to." He said looking directly into my eyes, searching for something. I too doing the same thing.

He's as crazy as us, I see.

I need to put a lock on my subconscious.

"Let's have breakfast then." I said breaking the stare.


So I put the pile of pancakes on the counter with different kinds of toppings. Maple and chocolate syrup, whip cream, various kinds of Jam and other stuffs to choose from. There was a bowl of baked beans. A pan of bacon. Another plate filled with scrambled eggs. Also a bowl of fruits.

"Woah...all these just for both of us." He said letting out an airy laugh, "Well it is actually all for you because you didn't know I was going to be here. So did you plan on finishing this."

"Well duh," I said letting out my own laugh, "Food is a woman's best friend."

"I thought it was diamonds." He countered with a smile.

"Just shut up and eat would you." I said playfully and he obliged with a wide smile showing off his dimples.

"Do you care for a cup of coff-"

Coffee. I almost said but remembered he preferred capuccino. So I decided to tease him a little. He caught on to my change of mind and gave me a playful glare.

Where did all this courage come from huh?

"Do you want a cup of cappuccino or perhaps hot chocolate." I said with my most innocent smile.

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