The Beginning

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Well, where do I start?

In all honesty my life wasn't that exciting before the age of 20 so I think that we best start on the eve of my 20th birthday.

To this day, five years after it took place, it's still referred to as one of the best party my small town has ever seen.

You see, I live in a really small rural town where fun things don't happen often.

So when my cousin came to me with the idea that we should celebrate our birthdays together in one of the local bars I was pumped.

The legal age of drinking here is 18 and that would be my first time ever having a party of any sorts outside the comfort of my own home.

We knew the owners son and the owner so we made a deal with them that if they let us have a party and bring our own drinks they would let us have a closed of party, they agreed so our little group of 15nof our closest friends made their way that night downtown, all carrying a bottle of whatever alcoholic beverage they could get their hands on.

The party was in full swing when the owner decides to open doors and let in all the other party goers our town could offer.

All of a sudden the bar was packed to full capacity and Everybody knew that it was our party.

We drank, danced on top of the tables, smashed bottles and glasses, and vomited the night away.

Around five in the morning we decided that the bar was to small and to boring for us so we made our way home.

The alcohol was still heavily in our system so as we walked the long walk home, with every mile we lost one of the initial 15.

First to go was a friend of mine, for the purpose of this story I'll call him Juan.
You see, Juan was so drunk that he fell asleep standing up in the bathroom of the pub. We couldn't find him, so naturally, we left without him.

Maybe a mile in we lost another one, I'll call him Tom.

Tom was left hanging from a fence i front of a local bakery, same as his brother Juan, he was fast asleep.

There is one thigg you need to know about my town. It's surrounded by a river that tends to flood in the winter months, and since my birthday is on November, the river flooded some of the streets.

And of course, one of two streets that led to our neighborhood was flooded.

And the funny thing was that that steer was the shortest way possible to get to where we needed to.

So, as our defiance to Mother nature we stood by our decision to get home as fast as possible, and the longer way home was in no way our choice.

Again, the alcohol was still going strong so making good choices wasn't really in our best interest at that time.

So we began our journey trough knee deep, ice cold river water.

We moaned and cried out for each other, sang, swore very profusely and splashed each other.

But guess what, we made it back home and got into bed remembering that night as one of the greatest night of our adolescent life.

Note: Hi, sorry if it seems rushed but I wrote it in like five minutes while I was at work with nothing better to do. This is just one of, and dare I say one of the mildest, adventures I had in my life. As I got older I got more dumb and more reckless. I hope you will enjoy it. Thanks, bye. ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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