The Truth

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My name is Daniela & i'm currently fighting this thing called 'self harm' it's not something I am proud of or something I like talking about but I guess it's something I can't hide either.

I first started cutting when I was really little, maybe when I was 5. Really young right? Like why would I cut at that young age? Well not everyone's life was all happiness & shit. I was always picked on in school because I guess I was so lame. Kids at school would call me names like " stupid, ugly, worthless & loser " & even the teacher would pick on me .... I just couldn't . It was at some point where I did not want to go to school, I would beg my grandmother not to take me & make up some lame excuse not to go.

I was always fearing that someone would pick at me in lunch, even by the damn teacher. I had nowhere to escape, nothing to let me be free & myself. That once happy girl was dead, & this new girl only wanted to be left alone.

Until one day I found out this 'awesome' thing called a razor blade & I used it very often. It was like the razor blade became my only firend. The only thing that helped me escape all the name calling, all the drama that was happening at school & at home. I would cut 1 or 2 times a day in my knee.

One day I remember I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom & she let me. That's when this kid came up to me & threw me to the ground & kicked me, called me names. I swear I felt like that was it, my body hurt so much, I was positive I was going to die. Then this one kid named Dheavin came out of nowhere & told the kid off & told him never to mess with me or he will kick his ass. For the first time in years I felt protected because of this guy that just saved me. Over the past few months we became close, he wasn't just my best friend, he became my brother & my hero. He helped me stop cutting & I was always thankful  for that.

Until ...

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