Modern AU - Road Trip!

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Meadhros groaned to himself as he was drove the car along the stretch of roar. He was close to losing it; very close. Maglor was looking through his CD's to put on the car. Celegorm and Curufin were arguing about what they should watch on the small TV that was in the car. The twins were in the back playing some card came. Caranthir was with them but he had his ear buds in and his hood pulled up.

"Hey. Neylo?" Amras asked. "Are we there yet?"

"For the 100th time. No!" Maedhros said.

"Actually we asked you 87 times," Amrod said.

Maedhros groaned and looked at Maglor as he put a CD in. He just sighed and asked, “Why can't you just listen on your phone?”

“Since as the passage in shotgun I help with detections and I control the music.” Maglor said. “But this will stop once those two agree on a movie.”

‘Which will be never,’ Meadhros thought as they continued on. Everything continued and Celegorm suddenly said, “when are we stopping? I want to stretch my legs.”

“We just stopped 20 minutes ago,” He replied.

“So.” Celegorm replied.

“Look. We won't stop again for a few hours,” Meadhros said. He focused back on the road.

Caranthir suddenly sat forward and looked at Curufin and said, “Pass those chips back here.”

“these are mine,” Curufin said.

“Just pass them back,” Caranthir said.

“no.” Curufin replied.

Caranthir looked at Celegorm who reached over him and grabbed the bag and tossed them to Caranthir.

“Hey!” Curufin said. “Meadhros! Celegorm stole my chips.”

“Talk to Maglor about this.” He said.

“Just let then have it. I'll buy another bag of chips when he stop.” Maglor said.


Meadhros rubbed his face as they were at a rest stop. They have been on the road for only 4 hours and already he threatened to turn the car around close to a two dozen times. He looked up as he heard the passenger door open and Caranthir got in.

“Hey!” Maglor shouted. “That's my seat.”

“Too bad,” Caranthir replied folding his arms and sticking his tongue out at him. Maglor sighed and turned around just as Amrod and Amras stole Celegorm and Curufin's seat. Maglor sighed and climbed in the back and before Celegorm or Curufin could say anything Meadhros looked arms them and said, “Just get in the back.”

The two sighed and climbed in the back with Maglor. Meadhros started driving and he wasn't on the road for another five minutes before….

“Neylo. I have to use the bathroom.”

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