Traveler Part Three - Silmarillion One Shot

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Maglor sat outside and sighed softly. It was well into the night time and everyone was asleep inside. He just couldn't fall asleep at all, he kept tossing and turning in bed. He looked up when he heard someone else come outside. "Nana?" He asked saw his mother standing there. 

"What's wrong?" She asked coming over to him and sitting down next to him.

"It's nothing," Maglor said brushing it off. 

"I do not think so. Nelyo came to me saying that he was concerned about you. So, please...tell me what's wrong." She said gently. Maglor took a breath and slowly began to tell her what had happened. He told her it was a dream though since in truth that's what it felt like to him. He told everything that happened and when he got to the deaths of his father tears filled his eyes. He went on though and all his mother did was sit there and listen to him. She looked at him with gentle eyes and with pain. Pain for her son going through this. It took him a while but when he was finished she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close. 

"Oh. Kano." She said as she held him close. "How long have you been keeping this dream to yourself?" 

"A few months," He replied. She let go and looked at brushing some of his hair out of his face. 

"Kano. If it's alright I would like to talk to your father about this." She said. 

"Why?" He asked. 

"Well I will not let this dream come to pass, I will talk to him about it to make sure it won't. Even if I have to go to the Valar I will. When you told me this...I have never seen that kind of pain or sadness in your eyes before. I care for you more then there is sand in this world, I shall love you and your brothers forever. Now, come on." She said as she stood up. 

Maglor stood up and followed her back inside. "Where are we going?" He asked. 

"I am going to make you some tea and once your nerves are settled you should go back to bed." She replied. 

"I think I'll be alright," Maglor said. 

"Kano. No matter how old you get you still will be my son and I. Your mother. It's a parent's job to watch and protect their children no matter how old they are." She replied. Maglor could not help but smile softly at her words. He did not realize just how much he had missed her over the years. He followed her to the kitchen and sat down as she got a pot a tea ready. Once they both sat in silence as Maglor drank his tea. It did sooth his nerves and after he told her he felt calmer. That someone else knew and a little known fact that the sons of Feanor got a lot of their stubbornness from their mother. 

Once he finished she walked him to his bedroom door and kissed his forehead. "Sleep well, Kano." She said softly. Maglor nodded and mumbled a goodnight. 

Once the door closed Nerdanel swiftly walked down to the forge where Feanor was asleep at his desk. She opened the door and strode in, she did close the door quietly but she spoke in a clear voice. "Feanor." 

Feanor sat up in surprise, he looked and let out a breath. "Oh. It's only you." He said. 

"I have a question for you," she said. "Do you love your sons?" 

"What? Of course, I do," Feanor replied. 

"Do you love me?" She then asked. 

"Yes. Of course. What is this?" Feanor asked. Nerdanel looked at him and told him of Maglor's dream. Feanor listened quietly and when she finished he was silent. Thinking deeply. 

"I have never seen such pain in your son's eyes. The way he spoke about it...I do fear it was not just a dream." She said. "Lastly. I ask you this, will you let your foolish pride for these jewels which will cause this family and the world nothing but pain. Or do you chose your family who will always stand by your side?" 

Feanor stood up and asked, "I ask you this. If I were to chose to still go to Middle-earth and I destroy these jewels. Will you come with me then?" 

"If you chose to go in a proper way without doing the deeds that were in Kano's dream. Then I will follow you into the void if I have too." She said.

Feanor nodded and took the box and said, "As much as it pains me to do so...this will be gone by morning. I make no oath but I do make you a promise, compared to you and my sons...these stones are nothing to me." 

Nerdanel smiled and kissed Feanor's cheek and said, "Good. I hope that was your answer." 

Feanor gave her a look and asked, "And if it was not?" 

Nerdanel just smiled at him and said, "It's late. Come to bed when you can," 

Feanor watched her walk out the door and looked at the box that held the silmarils in his hands. He cared for them but after what she just told him about Maglor's dream and how he was telling it. He could not call himself a father for doing such a thing by keeping these cursed jewels.

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