13. One Sided Love?

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edit: Here is the full chapter! Sorry again for the mishap 😓

Hey guys, sadly, schools starting 😭😭😭
Therefor I won't have as much time to write and updates will be slower ☠️
I'm so sorry ;-; I love writing this though so I might just keep staying up to write 🤷‍♀️

Who needs sleep anyways am I right? 😂

3rd person pov-

Denkis run slowed to a leisurely walk and he chuckled as kirishima speeded past him, trying to get out of the pouring rain as fast as possible

"Kirishima, you don't have to run. We are already soaked"

Kirishima thought about it for a second before slowing as well to match Denkis pace.

"Oh, you're right hehe"
He scratched the back of his head, embarrassed that he hadn't realized sooner
But it's not like he was complaining since his arms were so tired from holding the heavy jugs of water all this time

"You sure you don't want me to hold those kirishima?"

Denki was looking at the jugs in kirishimas arms but kirishima shook his head and smiled

"Nah, I'm fine."

They caught up to each other, walking in silence

But it was a comfortable silence

They avoided each other's eyes and instead looked out at the city
The abandoned buildings and the broken streets
It was very quiet as well
All that could be heard was the pitter patter of the rain
Very peaceful

"How do you think the other two are doing?"
Denki finally said, breaking the silence

Kirishima jumped, startled by the sudden question

-Kirishimas pov-

When I jumped, the most amazing thing happened





It was as if the whole world got a little bit brighter
His—dare I say—beautiful smile was beaming at me
A red hot blush formed on my cheeks but I just continued to stare
He's just so innocent
So pure
So cute

Only now did I realize, He was staring back at me

He wiped tears from his eyes and I whipped my head the other way, fixing me eyes on the tall building ahead of us

It towered over all the rest. In fact, it might even be the tallest building out of all of them. It had some in tact windows that could shield us from the harsh winds so it was our best bet at a dry place to take shelter

-Kaminaris pov-

With one final step, we had made it into the building.
As it turns out, the bottom floor was flooded
The floor had at least a few inches of water covering it so our only choice was to go up
Of course, kirishima didn't seem to notice the water at all
I giggled as I watched him shaking his arms around and cursing the water jugs

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