11. Best Bros

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⚠️WARNING⚠️ this chapter was written on my phone so it's gonna be pretty rough 😬 (rough as in bad)

-Denki's pov-





Yeah I'm the one who took kirishima but... well it was for a good reason! I was sure about it earlier but now I'm regretting it. Big time.

Me and a certain shark toothed boy walked in silence

A very, very awkward silence

But I had to do this

Especially since Rei was really starting to get on my nerves


I woke up in a pool of sweat, soft moonlight seeping through my bedroom window

I blinked once, then again

The usual dim red glow that should be reflecting off my walls was missing

My room was pitch black accept for the rays of white light leaking through the curtains

I rubbed my eyes, believing I was seeing things

I definitely have to be seeing things

Or is it what Im not seeing that's bothering me

My soul string

The one that is supposed to connect me to my one true love

Wasn't glowing anymore

I blinked back tears, frantically looking around my room for an explanation

But all I saw was the dim glow of the night, taunting me and my non-glowing string

-Time skip-


The familiar voice rang through my dimly lit room

I was crying, sniffles muffled by my blanket fort

I eyed my finger wearily, the tip of it starting to fade


The voice called out again, knocking on the door repeatedly

I let out a shaky sigh, sniffling once more before meekly calling back

"I'm busy Sero"

There was a moment of silence before I heard the subtle rustle of paper being slid under the door

I sighed once again and stood up, Taking my pikachu plush with me

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