9. BST

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Sorry y'all I know this chapters pretty short I just have to be somewhere in a few minutes so this chapter was pretty rushed! Also thank you so much for all of your support! I mean, #1 in depressed izuku?! That's crazy! I know like everybody says this but I really mean it when I say your comments are the only thing that get me to sit at my desk and write this story :) I love you guys so much 😭❤️ ok sorry, back to the story

-Bakugos pov-

I lazily lifted my phone to my face, not even bothering to sit up in the slightest
Why isn't shitty hair here yet? He was supposed to be here...

Oh wait, we didn't set a time.

So why do I feel like we did?

I feel like He was supposed to be here at 6:00 pm and we were gonna...

We were gonna...


I shoved my phone in my pocket and raced out of my dorm room
How could I forget our fucking date?!
I speeded down the silent hallways, my foot steps echoing down the corridor
I stopped in front of the metal doors, Slamming my fist into the elevator button
My chest heaved up and down as I impatiently waited for the elevator to arrive


I threw myself inside, slamming Into someone
Yet I didn't hear a word
No "ow" or "watch where you're going"
I didn't even have to look twice to recognize his fluffy green locks

It's the nerd

I whisper-growled, looking away from him
He ignored me, keeping his eyes fixed on the floor number

"Don't fucking ignore me deku..."
I meant to say threateningly but it came out as more of a whimper

A tear fell down his face but he swiped away like he always does

that bastard, I bet he doesn't think anyone see's how he does that everyday when me and Kirishima meet in the hallway
Or when he is walking down the halls
Or during lunch
Or when he stares out of the classroom window

But I do

"Just leave me alone Bakugo"
He hissed, just as the elevator doors opened and he walked out, not even giving me a second glance
The doors slowly closed as he disappeared around a corner
But beside his attitude, there was something else odd about him...

It was almost as if his shadow had long hair and a dress

And it... it had a knife

Aimed at Dekus back

I shoved my hand in between the almost closed doors and forced them back where they came from, probably breaking the elevator
I Tore after him, tears streaming down my face
Was he hurt?
Was he going to get hurt?
Is he dead?

Tripping over my feet, I turned the corner

I tumbled and slammed into the wall

Dekus shadow was cast on the wall in front of me



It was normal

I slowly looked up to meet his cold, green eyes
The glow I once lov... saw was now gone
All that's left is an empty stare
A look of disgust on his face
But it wasn't fully disgust
There was something else
It was like—

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