Author's Note- WHY NOT GOOFY?

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Who says entertaining writing has to have a story, or a plot? Why can't it be just a stream of consciousness, some interesting episodes from one's life, some regrets revisited, some apologies long overdue, some philosophical speculations and some plain nonsense to keep it entertaining? 

You know,  that made a lot more sense in my head.  

What I've written here is a goofy stream of unconsciousness. I'm hoping others will find it entertaining, interesting, and perhaps enlightening. I believe this is either the best or worst thing I've ever written and honestly, I'm still on the fence myself.

This is dedicated to @MoodyMooseMouse who I hope is not offended if this in fact turns out to be the worst thing I've written. She has meticulously read my Sharing Afflictions trilogy providing much needed corrections and encouragement, so I just wanted to thank her.

To some extent this writing was inspired by her great book Thistle Wish (Now called Sweet Disorder) in that it recounts some difficult times in my own life. Although my own difficulties in no way compare to the difficulties faced by Emily Moon the main character in Thistle Wish, I still pretty much came to the same conclusions she did in the end. So, like all truly great creative artists, I stole from the better work and used the final line of her poem for the ending of this writing.   

Finally, it was @MoodyMooseMouse's comment, "Your writing is a really interesting mix of technical engineering brainy stuff & comical goofy..." that made me realize that being goofy was one of the things I enjoy about writing. If you find yourself thinking too hard about what I have written, you are missing the point. Just read and enjoy the goofiness.  

It has been said, "Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel." For me, it's just goofy.   

***Note added December 2021: This work was my fourth and at the time I assumed would be my last posting on Wattpad. Since then, I have posted several other works where it is clear my real name is not Charles Farley III, although I am a third. Also, the Roger referred to in this work is the Eddie I talk about in my memoir, Max is not my dog's real name, nor is Rogue my wife's real name. In this work I was just using the names from my trilogy to maintain anonymity for the real people those characters were based on. This note is to avoid confusion for readers who have read my later works, but not my trilogy.

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